MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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go chickies go
I'm chickpip- formerly cmdl123 :

My babies are 5&6days old now, I had 13 hatch!

Do any of these look like Americaunas? The one and only rooster was an Americauna. The hens were Americauna, Barred Rock & Cochin Frizzle Bantam (who unfortunately died) so we hatched some of the eggs from the coop! I can't remember who came out of the green eggs..

5&6days old.

They were all sleeping in a circle!


One of the black ones


Enjoying a nice cool drink of water.....
( they have now been switched to a bigger waterer with marbles)

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Wonderful chickies! How nice you were able to collect those eggs, since you lost that one. My Ameraucanas are Wheaton colored, so I can't help on ID-ing any of your Ameraucanas. Good luck with that!
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Once again, thank you all for joining in & sharing on this month's hatch-a-long. Have fun with your new chicks! Best wishes to you & yours!

Hope to see you on next months hatch-a-long or on one for another month all this year.
See 'APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in'
off to the next month now!
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*My Brooders, easy & quick to set up, no-build, easy to find materials, & easy to clean. All of these brooders are fitted with a 1/4" or 1/2" wire mesh top to keep them in & other things out, the 2 ends are just bent down. Or for a more secure lid, you can cut a large hole in the top of the lid & duct tap the wire mesh to the underside of the lid. A temperature guage or two are taped to the inside side at the chicks standing level, to monitor the temp. A red heat lamp is over one end of the container, to leave the other end as a "cold side" for them to escape the heat when they want. When too much heat is escaping from the container, I just put a container lid over the top of the "cold side" & away from the lamp, which can be adjusted & removed easily. Chicks are transfered to larger sized containers as they grow & need more room. I keep a few xtra, empty, clean containers around to transfer them to when it's time to clean out the old one & move to the clean one. Then the old used one is cleaned by dumping contents into the compost bin & the container is sanitized by cleaning in the tub or outside in good weather.
-2 to 3 day brooder after 12 to 24 hrs in the incubator, set inside of a larger clear plastic storage container to stop drafts, next they'll go into a medium container when they're getting around good. Temps start at 95 degrees F at one end for the first week, but leaving a "cold side" at the other end for them to escape too much heat.

-Two brooders sharing 1 heat lamp, since they have most feathers & no longer need as much heat.

-Four brooders side by side, 2 lamp going with focus on the youngest ones needing more heat.

-The last stage brooder in large container (106 qt. size) with wire mesh top & no heat lamp needed. Good for when they need to be weaned off of the heat &/or if it's too cold to go outside yet.
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