Marek's incubation

I would suggest that you make a mash with crumbles, water and yogurt. She will greedily gobble it up. She will obtain all the moisture she needs from the mash and you won't have to worry about getting water into her. One thing I have noticed repeatedly with Marek's is that the chicken stops drinking. The mash really helps them.

I would also start with this vitamin protocol:

.5mls poly vi sol, without iron, daily
400 ius vitamin E twice daily.

This will help boost your pullet and it will also rule out any vitamin deficiency she might have. Keep her in a quiet place where she can rest. Is there any posibility that she was injured? Dilated pupils is not necessarily a symptom of Marek' can be a sign of pain and injury. As a matter of fact, out of the 40+ chickens lost to Marek's, only one had strange looking pupils.
Check out my Welsummer acting funny video is she doing that....if it were not for leadwolf1 and seminolewind and speckledhen I would be at a total loss too..they have been an excellent asset to BYC
It starts affecting chicks at 10-12 weeks old....and downsm75 if one of your hens have it everyone of you chickens have it
She can't hardly stand, but when she does, it's one leg WAY behind the other. Her pupils are dilated, making her eyes look black. She's hungry and will eat, she just looks like she is drunk all the time. I keep feeding her water through a dropper and she will find her food and eat. She's getting vitamins in her water as well as Duramycin-10. She's 14 weeks, none of my other chickens are sick
yes that sound like mareks...sometimes they will get better for a few days and then do the same thing over long as she been doing this?
The incubation period for Marek's ranges from 6 - 16 weeks and sometimes longer. I've found that 12 -14 weeks is the time that you really start having problems. However, I have also discovered that 14 - 16 months is another time when chickens are greatly effected. Unfortunately, I have alot of first hand experience.

In all my Marek's cases, when standing the effected leg is always held out front. But, Marek's has no rules.

If you suspect that your pullet has Marek's. Find a state lab that will do a necropsy. You can find this information from your local government extension office or, online. This is the only way that you will know for sure what is going on and how to proceed in the future.

Any other questions, please ask.

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