Market for game birds in the South.


8 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Hello everyone. My brother is gonna raise Pheasant and Chukar in Arkansas. Are there any people on this forum from there, and would you have any idea what kind of market or demand there would be for these birds? Thanks for any Information. All re-plys welcome.....
Hello everyone. My brother is gonna raise Pheasant and Chukar in Arkansas. Are there any people on this forum from there, and would you have any idea what kind of market or demand there would be for these birds? Thanks for any Information. All re-plys welcome.....
There is no money to be made raising pheasants and chukars with the feed prices so hi.It does feel nice when you sell a few and put a few bucks in your pocket,but if you keep track of their feed,meds,your time,pen and brooding costs,incubation,and any other bill involved,you will not make much money at all.You have to do it for the love of raising birds and look at it as a hobby.
In N.H.,Tony.
I live in Tennessee and they are going like crazy. We just had a poultry farm/petting zoo come to our area and he cant keep quail in at all. grant it he doesnt much on them but he sells alot. So i guess it depends on your area. I would do some research and find out the market where he lives. Peacocks do well here as well. And I believe everyone is starting to get into Pheasants as of late
Thanks for the replys guys. Just ordered 400 pheasants and 300 chukar chicks to start out and see how that goes.
You should keep record of everything that you have spent on them and see if it is profitable for you.Keep record of birds bought,expense of building brooders,pens,feed everything invovlved with your venture.Hopefully you will make a few bucks,but I think if you do it for the enjoyment you will not be disappointed.How big are your pens for when they reach adult age?
In N.H.,Tony.
Hi Tony. The flight pens are 25'x100' and 10ft high.
That's not very big for 400 birds.I think maybe 50 birds would be it for that size pen.Remember both these species you have choosen are cannibals and will kill each other especially if they are crowded.Each state has requiremants for gamebirds and I know ringnecks fall under this category and I'm not positive but I think chukars are also included as gamebirds.Here in N.H they require 25sq ft per bird.I'm not trying to be negative,just want you to know what could happen.
In N.H.,Tony.
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Guess I should have clarified that I have 5 pens. The pheasants will have blinders.

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