Martin Colony?


12 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Franklinton, NC
I haven't had too much trouble lately with hawks but in the spring I was thinking about putting up a Martin nesting box. I figure if anything they will be an advanced warning for hawks or other birds of prey.

I had to click on this thread to see if you were really trying to say "Martian Colony."

Ok let me read your post.......

I have swallows which also dive around and eat mosquitoes. Yes they are very vocal and keep lookout, but they are not always out of their nests paying attention. (Different bird, I know, but I wanted to weigh in anyhow, lol!)

Martins are really wonderful for bug control and you will be blessed by them, certainly, at any rate. Go for it!
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A word of advice, think biosecurity. You might want to put the nesting box for the Martins or"Martians" in an area far enough away from where your chickens free range.

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