And I'd be prepared to have to keep the Guineas in for a while but my silkies just love to stray from the flock and I know I'll end up losing some. And the noise I wouldn't mind to much. And I had no clue they were stupid. Hopefully they'll follow the chickens and stay away from the road! is on the shore and they do ship i believe. The farm in Damascus Md you need to pick with cumberland. I got mine at the swap in sharpsburg. There should be another one in june of this year.
I raised mine with my second batch of chickens and they stuck close to them for the first year then started to wonder and do more guinea things. Guineas have no respect for property lines or roads.
I love mine some days and hate them others. The noise can get very annoying esp if one gets separated from the flock etc. But they did sound the alarm when a stray dog got into my yard and saved one of the chickens.
Hello all, new to all this crazy chicken stuff. Think I'm addicted, lol.
I'm on MD Eastern Shore. Denton to be exact. I only have 4 barrred rocks right how but looking to expand. Interested in getting a couple Delaware's, speckled Sussex.

Welcome! Being addicted to chickens is a problem that we all have. I am also on the Shore. In Snow Hill. Where do you plan on getting your Delawares? My husband loves them, and lost his only delaware last year. (The Columbian kind, not the Blue. He loves both.)
I looked up her website and I didn't realize she required 15. I'm only looking for two or three max.
For that low of a number you would have to pick up from the farms. To ship you have to have a larger number. I think even efowl is around 5. Keep on eye on craigslist or again the swap is another option. is a farm located in Damascus which is closer.

Good luck with your search
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I have a white crested black polish, my bonus exotic chick, turns out to be a Roo. I can have Roo's but I don't have any need for him. The rest of my large flock picks on him quite a bit. He's 12 weeks. If anyone is interested in him please let me know. My daughter would rather see him rehomed than headed to freezer camp.
I looked up her website and I didn't realize she required 15. I'm only looking for two or three max.

I don't know much about guineas, but I started with 2 and they didn't make it. Maybe it was too cold for them, they couldn't huddle together for warmth? My friend who has them always has 8-10 of them hanging together.
Hey all! New to BYC and thought i would pop on to the maryland thread to say hello to my fellow maryland byc folks. We hail from Bel air. Right now we have 6 amberlinks, 4 SLWD, 4 EE, 4 lavender orps a black orp and 4 silkies. Looking forward to chatting with you all!

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