Hi Sarah, I am looking for chicks and live in Huntingtown. Do you have other types, too? Renee
Hi photorenee. Welcome to BYC! I live very near Huntingtown and I may have some chicks available on July 1 or 2. I'm just today setting some eggs. They would be Oliver Egger or Easter Eggers from my two Wheaten Ameraucana roos over either Barred Rock, Easter Egger, or Welsummer. If you are interested and willing to wait that long let me know. Don't want to count my chicks before they hatch and I'd like to keep a few myself!
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the swap since I was scheduled to be out of town that weekend. I would have liked to have met and chatted with some folks at the swap.
I was given 6 chicks by a friend they are from McMurray as part of a rare breed mix and match. Does anyone want to hazard a guess what any of them are?

I know the pics aren't great, but my broody has adopted them... so getting better pics could be problematic.

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