Auto NOT correct got me again! Yes, Silkie. My son ants one so bad! I ended up getting a RI Red, NH Red,& Plymouth.they are so stinking cute!
It's not really a good idea to mix a single silkie with Large fowl birds. They tend to get picked on.

Thanks for the tip! What if a got a couple of them?

I have not had problems keeping silkies with my other birds. Right now with the mix of birds I have, my silkie is #2 in the pecking order among hens and #3 if you count my roo. That said, I would never introduce one by herself. If you raise them together as chicks, not a problem. But, if you are introducing adult birds, I always introduce at least 2 at a time.

A large factor in birds picking at each other is space. The more confined they are, the more likely they are to pick at each other.

At the end of the day, everyone will have different experiences. You have to decide what works for you.
I've never had a problem with a silkie roo joining a flock of hens, even older, "crotchety" ones, the roo gets down to business immediately and the hens fall right in line. But I wouldn't add a silkie hen to an existing flock of LF hens/roos, they are too meekly mannered, in my experience.
Hello Hollywood,
I am from the North East corner of the state and planning to start my flock next Spring. We already have our coup and just need to make a few alterations to have it ready. It looks like you are already have your flock established. How many chickens do you have?
Mason Dixon Chick

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