Thanks for that information :).

You're welcome. Also the facebook pages Maryland Poultry and Egg Swapers and Maryland Farmers Exchange. And one more option is to put him in his own little chicken tractor that would allow your wife to clean and put food in one section while he is in the other section. I ended up with an accidental Whitmore Welsummer rooster also so I feel your pain. (Apparently sexing at hatch is only 90% accurate for these guys.) We ended up keeping him because he is gorgeous and good protection for the flock but I don't let him free range when we have guests or strangers working in the yard, and never let anyone tease or chase any of the chickens, and separate him if anyone but me needs to go in to the coop or run to care for birds. Also after consulting with the vet we trimmed his Spurs with a dremel tool. She said if you do it earlier enough she can permanently remove spurs which I think I will do if I ever have another rooster.
Looking for a good home for my Roo. He is about 5 months old and just starting to come into his prime. He is a Welsummer and was supposed to be a pullet, but hey, things happen. I would love to keep him, but he is starting to get a little more aggressive, nipping at me and clawing my daughter if she doesn't hold him JUST right. From my reading, perfectly normal rooster personality, and in general he is a great bird. He will come with a No Crow collar should you want it, and it does make a huge difference. If I wasn't headed out for a long while, I would keep him, but asking my wife and 4 year old daughter to deal with a rooster alone is just not something I want to do. He can be handled well enough, just not held like the hens and pullets I have can be, which is hard for a 4 year old to really understand.

If interested, please let me know, I live in Aberdeen, MD he is free. Should he not find a good home soon, I fear he will go the way of the last 8 cockerels I had.

No Crow Collar - wow - thank you for the info - i did not know they made those? suggestions on where to get one? we were just going to eat ours...
No Crow Collar - wow - thank you for the info - i did not know they made those? suggestions on where to get one?  we were just going to eat ours...

It isn't perfect, they still crow, but much more quietly than without. As for eating, we ate too since we couldn't find a home, but he was much tougher meat since he got old enough to really fill out. Chicken dumplings and we still noticed it, so just be warned.
ACo here! I just got two lil Ayam cemani chicks that are now three weeks old. Unlike you Caroll county folk, I don't know of any tractor supply store near me that would sell chicken feed and such.. Anyone know of a decent place with decent prices for feed and bedding that isn't an hour's drive?
im from glen burnie, and i have had a big problem with both hawks, and foxes, the hawks are usually more of a problem in the fall and winter, but i have been using bird netting over my run and its worked well, the foxes usually only bug at night, just dont forget to close the coop.

I have a chain link fence around most of my property, with wooden fence as the front part, and a dog. Do you think foxes will still try to bother my chickens? I am fearful of hawks as I have a pair that live in the trees near my house, but I plan to supervise their free range time when they aren't in their run..

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