Looking for copper Maran chicks in somd!!!! Willing to go to moco Arundel pg charles Calvert . Please let me know!!!

I have a couple cuckoo maran chicks about to hatch if your interested. Also a few blue laced red Wyandotte/cuckoo maran mixed ones
cute!!!! you are already hatching in this cold weather. I'm waiting for warmer weather though being indoors right now would be good time to watch incubator but I might get too much temp variations

Thanks! Yeah was eager and set eggs on 30 Dec 15... THEY ARE OUTTA CONTROL!!! These pics were just taken, and they're only a little more than a week old. At this point I believe I have 9 female and 2 male - which isn't a bad ratio... I tried the old wives tale of wider rounded eggs versus longer pointed eggs...



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Howdy--I have a very beautiful Easter Egger rooster that needs a home. No payment for him, just want to make sure he is not food. He was born September 7, 2015, so he is currently almost 5 months old.
We've named him Pancho as he is very colorful. So far, he has a very good personality--curious but not aggressive. I can't have a rooster in my area (kind of hoped to sneak him in but I feel bad for my neighbors every time he crows).
Here's a link to my blog--he is in the 2nd picture down, the rooster on the branch on the left. He has white, rust and black iridescent plumage. Let me know if you're interested.
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