I live in Washington county, Smithsburg, MD and I just saw a Facebook post that at our town meeting they were trying to make a ban on having chickens. So outrageous! The lady was saying people were afraid the chickens would have Ebola and wonder into their yard. People really are dumb sometimes!

:goodpost: :lau
Does anyone near annapolis or a reasonable drive have mille de fleurs or cream legbars for sale. Or any other chicken or duck for that matter
Does anyone near annapolis or a reasonable drive have mille de fleurs or cream legbars for sale. Or any other chicken or duck for that matter
I am in Mount Airy, MD. I just hatched 21 Delawares from a local breeder. If I end up with too many pullets (or cockerels for that matter!) you are welcome to some. I only need about 7/8 pullets and was going to save the best cockerel for breeding and eat the rest. Unfortunately I will not know which ones are extras for several weeks. Feel free to PM me if you are still looking for some chickens in a few weeks! Also, there are lots of folks selling chickens on Craigslist- I think I saw a few of the same people from Craigslist at the September Chicken Swap in Sharpsburg, MD so many of the folks on Craigslist are actually farm businesses.

Good luck!

By the way, I got my hatching eggs from Whitmore Farm and they will be selling newborns in late September I believe. They have Marans, Delawares, and two other breeds I believe. ( )
I would love to take a ride to Whitmore to purchase some birds. We really do want to try Delawares again.
Oh you should, it is a nice little place. I initially found them when I was looking into getting some sheep. If you look on their website they show you which days they will be hatching the Dels. I believe it is late September. That was a little too late for me so I decided to get some hatching eggs (4 days old now) so that they could be a little more feathered out by the time cooler weather rolls in.
Oh you should, it is a nice little place. I initially found them when I was looking into getting some sheep. If you look on their website they show you which days they will be hatching the Dels. I believe it is late September. That was a little too late for me so I decided to get some hatching eggs (4 days old now) so that they could be a little more feathered out by the time cooler weather rolls in.

We had thought about ordering from them a couple of years ago, but we found a couple of places that were more convenient for us. Not as nice but convenient. Now I am more than happy to take the drive. I just need my husband to get on board.
We had thought about ordering from them a couple of years ago, but we found a couple of places that were more convenient for us. Not as nice but convenient. Now I am more than happy to take the drive. I just need my husband to get on board.
Yes, well, late September should be a nice time to take a drive through the country!

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