
Hi Thomas423! We live in Port Deposit as well!
Hey everyone!!!! Posting from Gaithersburg, MD. Backyard chickens at work in Montogmery County : )

Current flock (6), One mixed Barred Rock rooster, 2 Rhode Island Red hens, 1 Plymouth Bared Rock hen, 1 Salmon Favorelle hen, 1 red cornish

11 - 4 week old hens - delivered from on March 1st - 3 RIR, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Black Jersey Giants, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rock

7 - mixed, straight run week old peeps, from our incubator!!!! So stinkin' cute, those little fuzzballs : ) Trying to find new homes for these guys/gals
I had someone asking if my friend found a place to get barred rocks to let them it is, unfortunately he's forgotten the name but its up around Millersville. If i can get the name, i'll pop back and give it.
Hey everyone!!!! Posting from Gaithersburg, MD. Backyard chickens at work in Montogmery County : )

Current flock (6), One mixed Barred Rock rooster, 2 Rhode Island Red hens, 1 Plymouth Bared Rock hen, 1 Salmon Favorelle hen, 1 red cornish

11 - 4 week old hens - delivered from on March 1st - 3 RIR, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Black Jersey Giants, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rock

7 - mixed, straight run week old peeps, from our incubator!!!! So stinkin' cute, those little fuzzballs : ) Trying to find new homes for these guys/gals
We are in Montgomery County too! Haven't seen many chickens around here!
Just figured i'd throw this out on the maryland thread-
I just got an incubater and plan on hatching chicks for the first time ever.
I have have a beautiful, mellow RIR roo and 5 hens (BO and BSL) so the chicks will be a mix of that.
If anyone is interested, I'd only charge $1.50 per chick (they would be straight run).

...i plan on starting eggs in one weeks time and it takes 21 days after that if all goes well.
Another Montgomery ounty resident here. I live in Clarksburg.
I have a mixed flock of about 50 birds of all different kinds from bantams thru Standard Cochins and week old chick to full grown hens.
I definitely Plan to go to the maryland poultry swa( not as a vendor)

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