Mash vs pellets?

Funny, I'm always sending folks to their local county ag. extension.  I never considered asking my agent about feed mill options.  I've lived in this state all my life, and never heard of any mills in this state, and have been in touch with ag minded folks all my life.  Will check with them to see if I'm missing something.
I hope you are able to find something! I just fed the new feed to my chickens, they ate like crazy. Great news too, the mill has a great dairy feed that I bought for my goats! 12.70 for 100 lbs. My husband thinks I'm a little too excited, but I have cut my feed bill in half just by going to this mill, and I am also starting to ferment everyone's feed so I'll be saving money that way too. :D
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I keep reading posts where people say chickens need a balanced diet. I totally agree with this, it's true with any living creature. But just what IS a balanced diet for a chicken? It's one thing to recommend reading the label, but the person needs to know what to look for if it's to do any good.:old
It's simple enough to google and get the information one is looking for and the studies to back them up. I would prefer they interpret it themselves without bias or half truths on a social forum. If they come back and ask questions because they can't grasp the information that's another thing.
I tried telling the hubby that I can have twice as many goats and chickens now. He said 'good try, but nooo' but he doesn't really pay attention so if a few more happen to...pop up... I'm sure he won't notice

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