Mating hens


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2021
I am new to this but wanted to try and hatch chicks, I have gotten some mixed information so thought I would start here. I have 6 laying hens (one is broody and ready to go) and I have 20 or so younger ones including 2 roosters. If I am wanting to hatch chicks should I separate a rooster and hen so it’s easier to know what eggs are chicks or do I have to group a bunch of hens when a rooster. I don’t want a half my hens to be laying chicks only 2-3.
I am new to this but wanted to try and hatch chicks, I have gotten some mixed information so thought I would start here. I have 6 laying hens (one is broody and ready to go) and I have 20 or so younger ones including 2 roosters. If I am wanting to hatch chicks should I separate a rooster and hen so it’s easier to know what eggs are chicks or do I have to group a bunch of hens when a rooster. I don’t want a half my hens to be laying chicks only 2-3.
It all depends on what breeds you want, are you okay with barnyard mixes? Or are you breeding specifically for one trait?
I am new to this but wanted to try and hatch chicks, I have gotten some mixed information so thought I would start here. I have 6 laying hens (one is broody and ready to go) and I have 20 or so younger ones including 2 roosters. If I am wanting to hatch chicks should I separate a rooster and hen so it’s easier to know what eggs are chicks or do I have to group a bunch of hens when a rooster. I don’t want a half my hens to be laying chicks only 2-3.
Also, chickens wont "lay chicks." The eggs that are fertile would still be edible, they are a normal egg...all my eggs are fertile. As long as they are not kept above 90 degrees, or so, they WONT develop at all.
It all depends on what breeds you want, are you okay with barnyard mixes? Or are you breeding specifically for one trait?
Majority of my hens are salmon fave. And some are buffs but both roosters are salmons. I’m really just aiming to keep up with meat and eggs. But since I’m new to this I don’t want to have 100’s of chicks running around

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