

Jun 26, 2016
my hens are 4 months and haven't started laying yet, except one of them is starting to lay down by herself in quiet places, and the roos are trying to mount her. my favorite rooster, a white crested polish called Hats, doesn't seem interested in any of the ladies. i know it is hard to breed polands, but wondering if there were some tried and true methods to get a roo interested in a lady that you know of?
also, what happens when a silkie and a poland mate? what kinds of chicks do they get?
Your pullets are way too young for a mature sensible rooster to bother with. If you had a four month old cockrel, he'd be chasing them around, because he would be young and stupid. After these pullets mature, your cock will be very interested in them! Pullets just starting to lay eggs will produce small eggs that gradually increase in size. Trying to hatch 'pullet eggs' is a bad idea; wait a few months for them to mature. Mary
Your pullets are way too young for a mature sensible rooster to bother with. If you had a four month old cockrel, he'd be chasing them around, because he would be young and stupid. After these pullets mature, your cock will be very interested in them! Pullets just starting to lay eggs will produce small eggs that gradually increase in size. Trying to hatch 'pullet eggs' is a bad idea; wait a few months for them to mature. Mary
thanks! i wasn't trying to pressure them to lay eggs early, i was just wondering about it for the future.

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