May be able to import- what breeds? Please respond!

No orps!!

Get some very colorful Japanese Bantams from Europe
I'd like to see someone import blue Steinbacher geese, Scots Greys, and Scots Dumpies.

Also, it would be good to have new strains of Mottled Houdan, White Houdan, Crevecoeur, LaFleche, and Silver Grey, White, Colored, Cuckoo and Dark Dorkings to increase the vigor and productivity of these breeds in the U.S.A.
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My ultimate vote would be to import some quality White and Mottled Houdans from France. I want big, dual purpose birds like they raise over there.

My wish list would include many Wyandottes. LF Barred, Buff Laced, Chocolate and Mille Fleur. Bantams I would want some good BLR, WLR, SP, Silver Duckwing and Mille Fleur.
Will never happen but a man can dream though.
There actually aren't LF White Houdans left in France; though they're listed in the French Standard, the color variety has been lost. Bantam whites are apparently available elsewhere in Europe.

An unrelated strain of LF White Houdan was created in America in the early 20th century, from crosses on Mottled; these are still raised in this country (eg.

Best - exop
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