May Day Hatching Thread



8 Years
Apr 30, 2015
Chicagoland DuPage Co
My Coop
My Coop
Anyone else want to join me for May 1st expected hatch day?
How's it going for you?
This is the first time in years that I've started a hatch in an incubator; I have a small number of bantam cochin and eggs in a borrowed Hova-Bator. My days have been filled with furiously running up and down the stairs to turn those tiny eggs since I don't have an automatic turner. I can't wait for the Friday candling check to see how things are going. These were shipped eggs.
Also! I didn't think this would happen yet, but the eggs we sent to my nieces' teacher are starting to hatch! They're a few days early, which I find odd, but anyway, they're coming! Here's the first one to hatch--a chick from our white-crested blue Polish hen, Lola, and a white silkie father. I love how she turned out! :)


Hi! I've got 4 Silkie eggs in the (hatcher) incubator. I had a heck of a time setting it up due to hegrometor not working and it showed 88% for an entire day!
Ran to the world's tiniest WalMart and took what they had. NOW I'm up to 63% and eggs are supposed to go in this evening.

I am leaving 6 more eggs I set on the 23rd in the GOOD incubator. (Not real fancy either, but so far it has been reliable!)

The eggs are from my own new Silkies (I rooster, 3 hens) that I got a month ago.

Isn't this exciting? I hope I don't have any of those gross 'issuses' I've read about. This is only my second hatching ever. The last one a few years ago, cost me several months of trying to 're wild' "Peepers' to the flock.. She thought I was IT and followed me around the yard, lived in a little pink dog crate with a mirror and Teeny Beanie turkey. (I actually put her with a hen shortly after hatching in the incubator with another chick, and they got into trouble, so I had to rescue 'Peepers') It was fun.

Joining late, but I have around a dozen eggs in the lockdown incubator, due to hatch technically May 2nd-3rd but there’s always the early hatchers lol. Mostly Olive Eggers, with some Speckled Sussexes and the occasional Maran or Turken
That's an incredible hatch rate for shipped eggs!
What are you hatching?
Well, I started with more than 10...18 total. I bought 2 sets of eggs from 2 different sellers on Ebay. 6 bantam-frizzle mix and 12 black copper maran mixes. All 6 bantam eggs were not fertilized. 1st candling showed clear eggs. What a bummer. Then I had 2 quitters out of the 12 other eggs, so 10 went into lock down. Today 4 pipped and one hatched late tonight!! 2 more are zipping right now! Super excited! How are your eggs doing?

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