MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

I have pips now:weee come on turkeys they seem to come a little early
Sounds like it's normal should have some out soon those babies are absorbing the yolk when that's finished they pop out sometimes it's fast other times it takes a few hours and it seem if you watch it takes longer
just keep checking
Thanks lotsapaints
thanks for your reassurance. I keep watchinh is fun anyway...hopefully there will be more pips as the day progresses.
We went into lock down last night. It seems we will have 3 of 6, which is pretty good. 2 Orpington's and one spotted Sussex. The other three are one sussex and 2 mille fluer's. The sussex was clear all the way through last night and a week ago. So it's for sure a dud. The mille fluer's... well, last week they both had a little dark spot which I was told was the babies. One hasn't changed at all since last week, and the other... well, there's a dark shadowy spot and you can see where the baby is, but it's not a full dark egg, and I'd think it would be by now. So, we'll see what happens.
Day 22, still nothing. With the low temps since lockdown, I was hoping that they're just late. No sounds, no movement, no pips.

Keeping my head in the bator only makes me more anxious though. I'm kinda glad I have to go home for several hours, and leave the bator where I can't get to it!

I have one that just zipped out of the shell and is now bumping into all the other eggs.
Oh my! it is also very loud!!!!! One of the eggs is now upside down, I mean the pipping hole! I think this is normal.
2 more have pipped.
I am so glad I thought this was going to be a bad day for me.
OK Im going to join.
Here is the scoop...

4-29: I found an ad on craigslist of someone who had run out of incubator space and was looking for someone to hatch out their eggs in return of half of the chicks. So I figured what the heck I would write. I am going to be setting 160 eggs tonight. Including a few of my own. Here is what will be going in. Mottled Houdans (44), Cuckoo Marans (23), Welsummer (17), Buff Cochin (38), Buckeye (27) all are large fowl. The following are mine. Guinea (2), Buff Silkie (4) Turkey (3) and (2) Buff Orpington Silkie cross. Looking forward to see what all makes it to hatch!

5-5: Candling.
Out of the 17 Welsummer eggs all 17 seem to be developing nicely.
Out of the 23 Cuckoo Maran eggs 22 appear to be developing nicely, one had a crack and was an early quitter.
Out of the 27 Buckeye Eggs all appear to be devloping.
Out of the 44 Mottled Houdan Eggs 35 are developing, 4 were liquefied when I cracked them 2 were early quitters and 2 were not fertile.
Of the 38 Buff Cochin Eggs 27 appear to be developing. 6 were early quitters(one of which was cracked), 3 were unfertile, and 2 were fertile but never developed.

5-18 Candling and Lockdown.
Out of the 17 Welsummer eggs 16 were developing, one quit or never developed (egg was liquid goop when cracked open)
Out of the 22 Cuckoo Maran Eggs all were developing nicely.
Out of the 27 Buckeye Eggs 26 were developing, one never developed.
Out of the 35 Mottled Houdan Eggs all were developing nicely.
Out of the 27 Buff Cochin Eggs 20 were developing (others were either not fertile, blood ring or early quitters)

We should hatch out on 5-21!!!

Out of my eggs the silkie, guinea, and mix eggs never developed so I am assuming they were un fertile. The 3 Turkey Eggs are all developing nicely and should hatch out on 5-28!

Here are a few pics of the eggs that went to lockdown yesterday (If I counted right there should be 120 eggs) (all three pictures are of the same eggs... just couldn't decide which one shows the eggs the best lol)



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