May hatch-a-long

They probably got you mixed up with another order. But that doesn't exactly inspire faith in them. Hopefully it gets sorted and you get those eggs!

Thank you! That's what I'm hoping... but the seller hasn't responded to my emails, and the eggs were promised to ship out today, since they were already delayed past the promised arrival date. I just want the eggs. Frustrating!
i have a flock of rirs barred rock white leghorn d,uccle and they all of names but i have five rirs and they all kinda look the same so i cant tell which one to name :lau

Same thing the first and second years got names. But yesr 3 was 6 cinnamon queens so they are all chicken nuggets. The 11 from the feed store only 3 have names but these hatchlings seem like they are getting names before they hatch
It shouldn't be. Eggs can't be shipped there, and get here, in the same day. Not without shipping them by private courier, which is not happening. Nor would it be possible for even a courier to deliver them that distance in a few hours. They haven't been shipped yet.
So How long does would it normally take you to get eggs shipped to you. I have never had eggs or chicks shipped to me so I don't know how long it would take. I am thinking of getting some Brahma chicks shipped to me But I am afraid they would not make the trip.
So How long does would it normally take you to get eggs shipped to you. I have never had eggs or chicks shipped to me so I don't know how long it would take. I am thinking of getting some Brahma chicks shipped to me But I am afraid they would not make the trip.

If they shipped today, I would expect them to get here Thursday, most likely. Since they didn't ship today... it starts to become a problem. Chicks, to my understanding, need to ship overnight or two-day, eggs don't.
Ok but serious question. One of the sebrights just (like just today) went broody. How long does see need to sit before I can give her a live chick? I'm just thinking the eggs I checked today are not fertile and though i have a few in the fridge im not holding much hour for more sebright chicks. So I was thinking if I could give her the sebriggt that did hatch? And maybe a standard to pair for a little while. I know 1 day broody is really early but i don't want her broody long as she has to be ready for show in July. And i don't want to wait to long if I can give her this baby instead

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