Ended May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

True Dat. I tried to do it often. Sometimes it was flowers from the yard. When possible we would pirogue into the swamp and cut purple irises growing wild.
The first time we saw them we cut a literal boat load and brought home. We pulled out every vase and filled them with flowers in every room of the house. After a while I noticed a noxious 'body odor'. But I had showered. 🤔
We realized that because they were growing in the muck of this flooded cypress swamp, they smelled like rotting vegetation. :lau
I did find her ONE more before she was buried.
I want to ❤️ this, and also 🤣 at it. 🤣 I am so happy that you were able to give her one more of the pretty flowers, though. That would have meant everything to her. 🥰❤️

We like to cut our Lilacs and set them up all over. I am allergic to them, but the smell is so sweet! In short: Yard flowers are amazing to have inside the house. 🥰
Come on. Y'all need to step up your game.
🤫 (I'm going to give away one of my sources. He is as you can guess, politically incorrect but has a HUGE collection of 'appropriate' memes. Use your best judgement (don't follow my lead on this.)) https://politicallyincorrecthumor.com/
I just clicked that link and instantly got distracted. They have leggings on sale! 😍

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