Maybe a big UTOH!


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
Well, my young EE pullet, Fussy, who I know has the mothering instincts...she has been in the nextbox ALL day. Mom says she is just cold and trying to stay warm, but I wonder....
It probably doesnt help I just hatched 2 chicks 3 weeks ago, and she hears them. I heard her trilling a few different mornings too, but didnt dare introduce them, she has shown NO signs of broodiness before this.
Guess she might have decided she wants some of her OWN if she cant have mine!

Not real sure, but she sure is staying in that nestbox a loooong time today. She didnt act mean or anything when I peeked at her, but I didnt even TRY to take her egg. She has one unfertile egg and 2 golfballs to hatch.

Well, I guess updates later...cross your fingers she is NOT!

Oh that brings me to a question I have oft wondered, not sure anyone would know. Can hearing/seeing/being around young chicks make a hen go broody? It seems like a lot go broody at a time on farms an such, so..?
I think it does help kick their hormones into overdrive, Jill. Oh, boy, you're just going to have to let me send you some eggs to put under her, huh? (wink, wink). You may want to try to reach underneath her and see if she puffs up and screeches at you. Then you'll know.
I personally believe that being around the chicks can make her broody. I also have notice that if on goes broody that other will follow. I have a leghorn that goes broody when someone else does. I have always been told that leghorns never go broody that it has been breed out of them. I might let her hatch out a batch next year.
Well, she didnt puff up and screech at me, but she is sure acting odd, I think she is "working up to it". She is out of the nestbox now, but there were a whole bunch of feathers in there with the egg, and I KNOW thats unusual. Also she has been in there from about 8 til now...2:30.
She has been hollering nonstop for the last 3 days, and only stops when I go out and talk and sing to her. She just wants me out there.

Cyn, lol...just want I need, a chicken with her hormomes in overdrive!
She used to always tuck the little runt under her wing when they slept, especially as the size difference became apparent and she became very protective. I think that made her "mother" hormones come out in the first place at a young age. Well I will let you know how it goes, she is definitely not full on broody yet, and might not go into it completely. Right now I dont think she knows whats happening to her.

When I have the chicks out in the grass on nice days for an hour or so, she has been watching them through the fence and crying and crying. My other hen, Red just WATCHES with a mad look in her eye.
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Well.. she could make things interesting for you!
Sounds like a great hen. On an aside (and not an experiment I'd like to try), what would happen if you let her take charge of the chicks? I'm not suggesting you do mind you! But what if.. ?

Yea, not sure its an experiment I would like to try either.

If it were just her, I would have seen how it went, and just intensely supervised til I knew, considering how motherly she is naturally.
Considering my other chicken, who already tried to sneakily peck at the little blackbird I tried to 'rescue', I dont trust her at all, she would be jealous of not only MY time, but also Fussy's.

Thing is, it sure would be nice if they would accept them BEFORE they are grown up and become "intruders" instead of "somethin to take care of".
Fine line there...
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Well, this is just too weird. I guess she is "broody when its convenient"????????????

She is again up in the nestbox, all tucked in. My poor Red X Link doesnt know what to do, all alone in the run. This will be the second day she has sat up there for hours. No broodie poops, and she is eating fine and when its time to free range, she is not about to miss that. So far. I give her treats now and then and she will come out for that if its somethin special. But definitely broody somewhat.

Oh I did try to let her out with the little ones last night for just a bit. She was terrified and just wanted back in her box! rofl
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