Maybe a dumb question - chicks pecking the bottom of their brooder

The way I look at it is pretty simple - How do they survive in the wild? Do they eat bugs at such a young age? Certainly yes. However, they also have access to grit. So if it was me, I'd go very light on the bugs the first couple weeks, I don't see any harm with that.

Thanks, I might catch a couple of those mosquito hawks later and see how they like them :)
Thanks, I might catch a couple of those mosquito hawks later and see how they like them

Mine love them. How old are yours now? Around a week, same as mine, right?
I start tapping ("pecking") at the side of my brooder and they all come running over to see what's going on. They are so ridiculous sometimes. They do everything together. When one goes somewhere, the whole brood gets nosey and has to come over and see what's going on. They're a trip!

Perfectly normal. After all, there's not a whole lot to do in a brooder bin, is there?
I have had chicks who peck on the sides of the brooder. If it doesn't sound like knocking at a door, it sounds like Morse Code. I imagine secret chick messages: "If anybody can hear this, please come rescue me - I'm bored!"
I was wondering if they were searching for bugs or worms as well. They continue to pick up the long dark strands of the wood shavings and then toss it back down. I did put some food down amongst the shavings as well as their feeder, maybe it'll help develop the scratching and searching for food thing.
I read some where you can also throw in some grass, what does anyone know about that? or any type of green food. When do you start giving them grit. We just got our sunday and they were a week old. We only purchased the medicated chick crumbles. Should we start to give them small amounts of grit too?
Sorry new to this whole thing, so lots of questions.

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