Maybe cocci, can I treat just in case?


9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
The Lakes Region, NH
My 7 1/2 week old chicks have been on medicated started since they hatched. They went through a 5lb bag of MannaPro, then I switched to Purina. They had one outing last week, and at least one of them ate a worm. Three days ago I noticed lots of bloody poops, with I though was shed intestinal lining. Since then, the piles have gotten larger and more frequent, and I'm starting to think it's not normal. There is one chick in particular that is making several of them himself. He is social, eats and drinks, but not as interactive as the rest. He has also been closing his eyes a bit, and today I saw him drop his wings (but it's been hot and humid here). They all have been less active, which I thought was due to a heat wave, but they also appear a little puffy.

So, would it be wise to treat everyone with Corid? If by chance this isn't cocci, will the Corid have an adverse effect?

Please let me know what you think. I've never medicated my birds before. Thank you for your help!
Yes, I would immediately treat them with Corid. It won't hurt them and it certainly sounds like coccidia to me. Don't waste any time though. Once you see blood, they are pretty sick. If no improvement on Corid, try Sulmet. It's harder on their systems, but stronger and covers more strains of coccidia. Good luck!

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