Maybe Marek's?


Apr 30, 2015
I have a 1 year old Rhode Island Red who just tonight was in my husband's words "acting drunk". She was eating last time I checked on her but is having a hard time staying steady. She is using her wing to prop herself up and doesn't move around real good. After researching what might be wrong I think she has Marek's disease. Someone else told me she might be egg bound but we got all 7 eggs today and she really didn't look like she was. Figuring Marek's is what she has putting her down will be the best for her (not sure how but sure I can find help). Will this eventually spread to my other chickens? I would hate to put them all down. Should I get rid of the eggs I harvested today? Could there be anything else instead of Marek's she could have?
Welcome to BYC. Yes, there are other problems to rule out besides Mareks disease. I would bring her inside in a basket or cage, and make sure that she is drinking plenty of water, since dehydration can also have those signs. Adding electrolytes or gatorade may be benificial. Check her droppings for diarrhea. Des she have any weakness or paralysis of her legs or wings? Have you added any new chickens lately? Here is a good link about Mareks that contains a paragraph "Are there any diseases that look like Mareks?" to read:

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