Mealworm farming

I recommend never feeding the larva to your chickens while you are sifting through the drawers outside. I made that mistake and now every time I take the drawers outside to sift I fear for my safety! I've actually had the chickens leap up onto the drawer as I am working on it and then they would peck out a worm or two as fast as they could. The other thing they do is wait until I've sifted with the colander and peck the worms out the bottom of it before I can dump them back into the drawer! So annoying!

I can see it now
ROFL!! I was just thinking that a few hours ago while I sifted/sorted worms and beat off the three young large breed pullets! Such piggies they are!!! Very sociable, though. :)

When I set up my mealies originally, I had one box that was 'all in one'. I dismantled it this summer due to the excessive loss and lesser production compared to the separated system (beetles get put in boxes, when the first substrate starts moving, the beetles move to new housing and begin again in fresh bran; I sort out the big fat ready-to-pupate worms and pluck pupae to a separate box for hatching, and it all begins again).

At one point, I scooped and counted--about a thousand worms per two-cup scoop of bran and hatchlings big enough to handle with my fingers (not very big, call 'em small mediums). But in the all-in-one, there was much more fine frass and far fewer visible worms despite starting with the same number of larvae. *shrug* Do what works for you--everyone's situations are different and that's going to result in a lot of variation. :)


Because of my sensitivity to both elevator dust (grain dust, all kinds) and the mealworms' fine frass, I'm now on an inhaler, something I hate, but now I'm stuck with it. Better to wear a mask than even start the cycle, folks.

Amy--Yep, the spiders just loooove the babies. I recommend a fine muslin type fabric that has a relatively low thread count, so it is allowing air and yet is still smaller holed than most screen. Up here in the Sacto valley, I run mine with lids on and have no problems as long as the lids are just laid on, not tightly latched. The only time I *do* have trouble is if I put in too large a carrot or too many bits of moist material. Then I leave the lid off and lay an empty feedsack across the top so chickens (hopefully!) stay out but moisture takes a hike.

Good luck everybody!


Because of my sensitivity to both elevator dust (grain dust, all kinds) and the mealworms' fine frass, I'm now on an inhaler, something I hate, but now I'm stuck with it. Better to wear a mask than even start the cycle, folks.


Oh my, really? I never would have thought something like an allergy could get so bad (or develop!) I will heed your warning!
Started reading this tread about a month ago and finally got through the whole thing. I have a single bin system going due to the low maintaince of it. After reading a few post decided to go to local pet store and purchased 200 more mealies to start a second bin today. Just in case of tragedy in one bin I have a back up.

This tread has given me a lot of info and as shown me different methods that can be used, I am grateful for everyone's information and everything on here as been helpful.

Hope to have success with my farm so my 20+ can enjoy.
Started reading this tread about a month ago and finally got through the whole thing. I have a single bin system going due to the low maintaince of it. After reading a few post decided to go to local pet store and purchased 200 more mealies to start a second bin today. Just in case of tragedy in one bin I have a back up.
This tread has given me a lot of info and as shown me different methods that can be used, I am grateful for everyone's information and everything on here as been helpful.
Hope to have success with my farm so my 20+ can enjoy.
Oh my, it took me weeks to read it all, and I am very glad i did!
Your chickens will be so greatful too!
I think my guineas enjoy them more than my chickens.
This is just a wonderful wealth of info shared.
It was a lot of reading :).

Up date on my colony. I started small in a 4X4 container. When I got beetles I moved them to a bigger bin. Today I was cleaning out my porch and found the original 4X4 container and noticed there was still some oats in there. Went to wash it and saw hundreds of little mealworms moving around. The container they were in sat on the east side of my house so they got a lot of morning sun, surprised they survived. Added some oats and a carrot to the container and put it in the shed with the other containers.

Now I have more, "sweet". :D

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