Mealworm farming

So where have all the good strainers for cleaning out the bins been found? I'm trying to look for a good yet cheaper one that lasts a long while.
I was just getting used to the worms. The beetles startled me a little yesterday! Haha
Good news, bad news, bad news and good news.

The beetles are doing great, I have fat babies and though the adults are starting to die off, they still mostly kicking.

I had a bad case of mold. I'm not sure how it got wet in my box, but when I went to check on them, everything was covered with green. I THINK it's mold from a piece of bread, but I can't be sure. However, I got all the beetle out and I am working on moving all the worms out, most of them are just so small, it's not easy.

More bad news is it looks like I am going to have to put the farm idea to the side for a couple years. My youngest child wants to go to a certain high school. It's an agricultural school within the city. Well, on the outskirts of the city, and I don't know that she would get the same opportunities going to another school in another state, even if she;'s getting hands on learning at home.
I would rather her learn from a professional, and the networking possibilities she would get from going to this school are invaluable.
So I am going to be in the city for another 5 years and will be buying my own house. Which is the good news, because I can then up my worm production the way I planned to, and possibly make a bit of a business out of selling them.

In the meanwhile, I am having issues getting wheat bran. There are no stables in the city that are willing to help me, though there are several stables within the city, so go figure that. I did find people grade wheat bran at 10 oz for 2 bucks... That's not cost effective.
I have found a purinia mills dealer 10 miles from me, and I actually somewhat familiar with the area, and planned on giving them a call in the morning, but then I had another thought. I know that some of you use game bird crumbles.
Without me going through the whole thread again, can those of you that use gamebird crumbles or chicken feed tell me what kind you use, and what you're experiences are with them?
This way, when I give them a call, if they don't have wheat bran in stock, I can ask if they have something else that the worms would like.
I'm only on page 437.. I have been plugging through, but with new puppies and other stuff, I haven't had the time to read through like I would want to.
Good news, bad news, bad news and good news.

The beetles are doing great, I have fat babies and though the adults are starting to die off, they still mostly kicking.

I had a bad case of mold. I'm not sure how it got wet in my box, but when I went to check on them, everything was covered with green. I THINK it's mold from a piece of bread, but I can't be sure. However, I got all the beetle out and I am working on moving all the worms out, most of them are just so small, it's not easy.

More bad news is it looks like I am going to have to put the farm idea to the side for a couple years. My youngest child wants to go to a certain high school. It's an agricultural school within the city. Well, on the outskirts of the city, and I don't know that she would get the same opportunities going to another school in another state, even if she;'s getting hands on learning at home.
I would rather her learn from a professional, and the networking possibilities she would get from going to this school are invaluable.
So I am going to be in the city for another 5 years and will be buying my own house. Which is the good news, because I can then up my worm production the way I planned to, and possibly make a bit of a business out of selling them.

In the meanwhile, I am having issues getting wheat bran. There are no stables in the city that are willing to help me, though there are several stables within the city, so go figure that. I did find people grade wheat bran at 10 oz for 2 bucks... That's not cost effective.
I have found a purinia mills dealer 10 miles from me, and I actually somewhat familiar with the area, and planned on giving them a call in the morning, but then I had another thought. I know that some of you use game bird crumbles.
Without me going through the whole thread again, can those of you that use gamebird crumbles or chicken feed tell me what kind you use, and what you're experiences are with them?
This way, when I give them a call, if they don't have wheat bran in stock, I can ask if they have something else that the worms would like.
I'm only on page 437.. I have been plugging through, but with new puppies and other stuff, I haven't had the time to read through like I would want to.
They don't have to eat wheat bran.......they can do well on other foods too!!! I can not get bran where I live, I have always used chick starter crumbs and a slice of stale brown bread.

On top of that I put a slice of carrot once a week.

They do great.........I never have to buy meal worms now.
Where I live, I cannot get chick starter that is not medicated without special ordering so be careful about that. I don't think the mealworms would like to be eating that trash and it could possibly harm them.
Mine eat the medicated and are OK.. Give it try and see.

They will eat all sorts of stuff. Even the layers pellets are fine for them.

You could use smashed up breakfast cereal or crushed up dry dog food also. Maybe even just use stale break and smashed up bakery products.
Labella - I found 50 lb bags of wheat bran finally at some of the feed supply stores for horses. It's labeled wheat bran supplement. So you may want to check into it. I also found that they are happy in ground up old fashioned oat meal and/or meal flour. The oatmeal is cheap and lasts quite awhile. I put it through a blender to grind it up (a coffee grinder would work, too). I am finding a large variety of foods that they are happy munching on. And I've started adding dandelion greens (can't remember who suggested those) and they swarm them!
Good luck!
Oh, I just remembered..........another great food for them is plane porridge can get them from any supermarket.

I found they did better on the oat flakes than the bran........also their box smelled nicer!!!
I think I paid under $2 for 2lbs 10oz of an off brand of old fashioned oats . . . the wheat bran is actually way cheaper per lb, but the oats are convenient for now. Maybe when I have millions and millions (grin) of mealies the wheat bran will make a bigger difference. The wheat bran is around $13 - $14 for 50 lbs. The chicken feed is $11.69 for 40 lbs. so both are more economical than the oatmeal if you need large quantities. And I could use some of the wheat bran for doing the soaked/fermented feed for the chickens so maybe I'll switch by fall or winter . . .

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