Mealworms for Sale

It depends where you live and what the temperatures are there. It's best for the lows to be above freezing. The forecast for Port Washington, WI for next week looks like the lows are near freezing, which would probably be OK, but close.

I raise mealworms also. I have found that an apple cut in half, with cut side up, works much better.
see here:Hi ! Start with a clear plastic container, about 2 ft x 1 ft, or thereabouts. Doesn't need to be exact. Cut a hole in the lid, longer than wide, about 1 ft long x 6 in. wide, you get the idea. The purpose of the hole is to let air flow in and out. Next cover the hole with screening material, not landscape fabric. Tape it to the underside of the lid with duct tape. If you don't tape it from the underside, the mealworms and bugs can get in underneath the screen, between the lid, get caught, and die.
Now, put about 3 " of chicken scratch in the bottom, place a half of a cut apple, cut side up, and cover with 4 layers of paper bags. That's it! If you have lot's of mealworms, you might want to use the whole apple. Check the apple occasionally to make sure it doesn't rot. If it does, replace with a fresh apple. I have used potates before, as some suggest, but the apple works MUCH better. I have also put in slices of stale bread.
Now, in case you don't know very much about mealworms, they go through three stages. I'm not sure which stage comes first, kinda like the egg or the chicken ;o) There is a black bug stage (hence the lid. You don't want them crawling out.) Then there is a stage where they look kinda like a larvae. The mealworms crawl between the paper bags and turn into this. Then the larvae turns into the black bugs, then the bugs lay eggs, then mealworms, etc. It's a cycle.
I suggest you don't use your mealworms for a while, so they can go through their cycle to replenish themselves.
I just keep mine in my basement. The coolness keeps them from changing so fast, but you might want to keep them warmer to start out, so they multiply faster.
I have 2 "farms" going. They go through them fast!


Mother to 1 son, 2 cats, one
Thanks for the info. So if I order the meal worms and do the process you mentioned they will replenish themselves?

If so that is awesome. As for Port Washington, WI weather they are talking 40's for the next week or so. Today was almost 50.

I will watch the weather and see how it goes. I may order this week or when I know weather will be better.

Spunky~Chick~Mom :

Meallies arrived yesterday.... Wow there are alot of them!

My girls were so happy this morning. I added some to my colony and then put some in the fridge.

Great!!! Thanks!!!

You're welcome. I'm glad your girls are enjoying the worms! Thanks for letting me know of their safe arrival.​

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