Mean Ducklings? Bullying


6 Years
Oct 26, 2016
I have 2 older runner female ducks. And I had a silkie hen raise three ducklings (indian runners). The ducklings (all female) were great and normal for the first 4 months. Now they are chasing my goose and rooster. The rooster doesn't mind and just kind of stands there. But my poor Toulouse girl (5 years old) all over the yard. I've had male ducks before that bullied chickens but nothing like this. Is this normal? Is it just there age? Will they stop? I can't really segregate them because they free range through out the day (locked up at night). Not sure what to do. New ducklings have always been bullied in the past (just regular pecking order. No one ever hurt) until they were fully grown and the flock just accepted them. There's one duckling Barbara that chases my goose all over the yard and I feel terrible. Any advice is appreciated. TIA
My ducks do the same the applehead ducks run after my runner duck literally knocking them over like bowling pins I keep them separated when I am not around watching because I don't know if they will hurt them 😞when I'm watching they wont do it but if they think I'm not looking they do it
Oh good! I'm so relieved. I swear they chase the goose, ducks and rooster more than all of the other chickens. Barbara is such a bad girl!

from my experience it is normal. every time I add new teenage ducks to the flock they chase everyone. they do stop after a while.

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