Mean rooster?


6 Years
Mar 4, 2018
Mansfield, TX
I brought home a couple of tetra tint, mostly white, pullets Saturday and have them in a dog crate. I have noticed my rooster pace back and forth when he’s near the crate as if looking for a way in to attack. I’m afraid he may be trying to since he didn’t like a leghorn I had in the past.
What are the odds a rooster will want to attack 14 year old week pullets.
I dealing with the same with a 7 month old cockerel going after a broody raising his chicks in the see no touch area . He is now being agressive with 2 mature hens . He is probably going to be re- homed.
A rooster is going to pace around the cage. He recognizes new hens and wants to assert dominance. If he’s being aggressive already, then extend the introduction time a little. Let them all get used to each other. And when you do introduce, stay there and watch for a bit. If there is a big size and age difference, you may want to consider keeping them separate until they are big enough to defend themselves.

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