I have 3 supposed to be polish pullets. They jump on my mature rooster and my goose. They are horribly mean to all the other chickens. They were hatched middle of February. At first I thought they might be roosters but no crowing no definite saddle feathers no definite large wattles.
I have noticed they have started to sneak up on my rosters blind side with puffed feathers. He mostly ignores them for now because they are so small compared to him. Just yesterday he tid bitted the WCB one and the polish jumped on top of him. The rooster just shrugged it off. This morning one snuck up on the 5 week old gosling and jumped on top of it. They have ACRES to forage. They have many food or water bowls.
what is wrong with these polish!?!?
if they were cockerels wouldn’t my 3 year old mature rooster with a take no shit attitude whoop their butts instead of ignoring them?
the rooster has been around I’m sure he would know better than me!
I have noticed they have started to sneak up on my rosters blind side with puffed feathers. He mostly ignores them for now because they are so small compared to him. Just yesterday he tid bitted the WCB one and the polish jumped on top of him. The rooster just shrugged it off. This morning one snuck up on the 5 week old gosling and jumped on top of it. They have ACRES to forage. They have many food or water bowls.
what is wrong with these polish!?!?
if they were cockerels wouldn’t my 3 year old mature rooster with a take no shit attitude whoop their butts instead of ignoring them?
the rooster has been around I’m sure he would know better than me!