I have already placed an order for 25 meat birds this summer and I have started to brain storm of what kind of coop to make for them. I have heard from my friends that their meat birds were not very active the type I am getting are called Cornish X. I prefer making coops up at least 2 ft so the birds are able to hang out underneath. Will this work with meat birds? Are they two inactive to walk up a tred to their coop? The next thing is the space for the birds. I have a dog kennel that I am going to convert into a run. The dimensions are 20ft by 20ft, is this too little space for meat birds to hang out? I was planning on getting some feed back and possibly making the pin larger maybe double that and placing the coop 2 ft above ground. The last thing I would like advice on is the size of the coop. I am planning on butchering at about 5 weeks or so until the birds are large enough. Does this mean I need roosting poles? How big should the coop be? Could I do double story with meat birds? Any advice is helpful. So far for building materials I have an apple bin and other recycled wood I am going to use.