meat chicks


11 Years
May 12, 2008
blue rock west virginia
we have jumbo cornish rock chicks . some of them have bare butts and i'm not sure if they may be pecking their but or not , thought i saw one of them do that . is this norm ? only some of them have barish butts the others are fluffly .just wondering.o btw , they are 10 days old now.
wait til they get bigger. They will have big bald patches where their feather growth can't keep up with their rapid weight gain.

Mine are 6 weeks old and half bald. UGLY!!
oh btw thanx auusiegirl for your reply. i kinda thought that might be the case. they certainly are not the most beautiful birds i have seen , but i am not keeping them for their
looks ! GOOD THING , HUH?
how many do you have , we have 103 , one died , i think it got somthered , we have them in a pretty big area , but she was found kinda flattened out near the side of the boxed area .
i only wanted to get 50 but dh said to get 100, so i did. crazy me ;_)
They grow so fast that there feathers don't keep up and they also produce such a large amount of their own heat that it is probably just as well.

Cornish X are known for heart attacks and that might have happened to one of yours.
thanx mmajw,
i see you have silver laced wyandottes , i special ordered two with my 25 brown eggers from MMM. i think one of the 25 is a jersey giant , do they have black beaks when they are pips ?
My Cornish x are 3 weeks old today....I started out with 52 from MMM, and have had 6 pass on...not bad I don't think. I too have noticed their body heat, and their constant And the bald butts? oh yeah, they are just getting tail feathers in...this whole thing is a major learning experience for me!

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