Meaties 101

bigredfeather How do the white rocks fair on cold nights. I get my chicks tomorrow so they will be ready for slaughter mid October. Do colder nights effect their growth. I live Ontario Canada.
They are not White Rocks, they are Cornish Cross. They can handle colder temps once they are fully feathered. Yes, colder weather does effect their growth. They will use more energy to grow more feathers and to keep warm. It will take them a little longer to reach market weight compared to when the weather is warmer.
They are not White Rocks, they are Cornish Cross.  They can handle colder temps once they are fully feathered.  Yes, colder weather does effect their growth.  They will use more energy to grow more feathers and to keep warm.  It will take them a little longer to reach market weight compared to when the weather is warmer.

I am new to the meat bird scene. After reading this thread and others I feel like iamb on the right road. But I do have questions. My birds are just reaching 3 weeks now but are not quite fully feathered yet. I have noticed that they don't seem to need the heat as much as the DP birds I am used to. However, the nights are getting colder here in Vermont (40's with some upper 30's predicted) and I am concerned about them getting too cold outside. Right now I have been putting them out during the day while it is warm and bringing them back inside to the brooder at night. Should they be able to stay out? I can put a tractor together this weekend but don't want to waste the time and money if they wont be able to stay out. I don't have a ton of space to move the tractor but I believe I can make it work. Also, I have been feeding FF 3 times a day. About as much as they can eat in 20-30 minutes. I am not sure how the weight ration per bird works when the feed is wet???
Very good post. I am on my first summer with Cornish X and hear way too much about how they can't be free ranged and are lazy birds.. No way.. Mine are extremely active and have been ranging since 2 weeks.


Here is a video showing them at 6 weeks old.

They are now 9 weeks and I've processed all but a couple of the males. They average 4 1/2 pounds dressed (no neck, legs, or organs) at 9 weeks. I do limit feed quite drastically to encourage them to range, but I am happy with their size, and they are very healthy.
It looks like plain old scrape metal. Watch Craig's List for your area. They have used rod-iron fencing and the such on there a lot of the times in my area. You can cut those down to the size you want, and then reweld them in the Salatin-style dolly. A couple of three dollar wheels from Harbor Freight and you are well on track for your tractor.

I had a retired neighbor of mine make it for me. I gave him a pic and the size I wanted and he custom made it. He charged me $40 and I supplied the tires. I think I got a great deal.

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