Medicated chick feed in compost pile

Thanks for the reply. I too believe in building up immunity by exposure to the elements. When my kids were little, I let them play in the dirt and let them discover the different textures, etc. My mother-in-law just knew they would get deathly sick, which they did not.

I think we use way too many antibiotics as a whole. Creating those super-bugs, which are resistent and therefore creating a need for even stronger drugs.

I just want to start my chickies off right.
The medicated feed was all the feed store carried when I purchased my chicks and it sounded good at the time. Their brooder is far from pristine, but I'm trying to find the happy medium of healthy vs. disease prone

Just like a first-time mother who boils the pacifer when dropped on the floor, then when the second kid comes along, the pacifer gets wiped off and stuck back in the kid's mouth!

Thanks for the tips. I'm in the process of making another brooder as I'm not happy with the security of the cardboard box I'm currently using. Hopefully, I'll post some pics in the Brooder thread in the next couple of days.
I have been told that chicks don't get cocci until they are put on the ground? My feed store, college grad. owner is who told me this. I have only had it in incubator hatched chicks. And after I put them out. I don't recall ever seeing chicks foraging with hens getting cocci - ?

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