Medicated or not


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
Clemmons, N.C.
Been trying to figure out whether to keep my chicks on the medicated feed or put them on the regular starter. I've read to keep on medicated and that medicated is bad. Any help from an experienced chick raiser. By the way my chicks are three weeks old.
i give them medicated but its really what anyone prefers. but if you give them medicated, make sure to give them non medicated near the time they start laying eggs cause you dont wanna eat medicated eggs.
In order for the medicated to be effective, they have to be exposed to cocci so they can build a resistance. You can switch whenever you like but it would be wise to wait until they've had a few weeks of soil contact if you have them in an indoor brooder now.
Just keep in mind that being on medicated feed helps but it does not always prevent coccidiosis, chicks can still come down with it, so be aware of early symptoms and be ready to treat if you see it. I keep Corid on hand when raising chicks because when or if you see symptoms time is of the essence in getting treatment started.
When I got my chicks I had zero knowledge so I just took what the sales lady gave me, which was medicated chick starter (small bag). My chicks are going on 3wks old and have almost finished their first bag. I did not get medicated to replace it, even got a different brand. Hopefully I won't regret my choice. I've seen a lot of people say they don't medicate when there isn't a reason but in my eyes its the same as me giving my child vaccinations, it's just a precaution. I don't see how it would cause the chicks harm.


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