
Yes when moving birds even if it's from 1 mile down the road,a dark box keeps them calmer.Never use anything with a wire top as pheasants will burst and rip their heads all up.I use apple boxes that have a bottom and top that are the same size,but the top slides over the bottom,tape the 2 pieces together so if they do pop they can't knock the top off and fly away.I too am not a fan of blinders.If your pen is big enough there is no reason for them.Your birds need to feel comfortable in their surroundings like they are in the.
I am glad to see that you quarantine your new birds.Everyone should practice this.
Hey Scott,welcome to the Backyard Chickens.
In N.H.,Tony.

Oh wow never thought if an apple box but honestly now that i think about it they would be perfect for anything haha. The pins they will bee in are 30 feet high and 25 sq ft long(thbanana sections I've made) and a flight
Pen of 16ft long by 6ft wide by 8 ft high is that good demensions for each trio to have their own? Ok awesome I shall not use blinders then thank you for your opinion on that:) I started quarantining when I started with chickens I have heard so much horror about introducing new bird with your current so I convinced my husband to build me 6 "holding pens" for new arrivals:)

Another question I am feeding my bobwhites 30% game bird feed is that too much protein for the pheasants? They have been eating what they were eating before they were shipped but I just have a zip loc of it and I wanted to ask before I gave them what I had.

EDITED TO SAY: the barn sections NOT thbanana hahaha
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30% is a little hi for pheasants.I believe the gamebird and turkey grower/finisher is 24%.This is what I feed mine.I do feed the chiocks the gamebird crumble which is 30%.I also give them vitamin and electrolyes once a week in their water supply.This is available at your feed store.In the breeding season I feed 50/50 gamebird and layer pellet.In the winter 50/50 gamebird and cracked corn with a little wheat and black sunflower mixed in.In breeding season they get lots of veggies and fruits,wild bird seed,peanuts(have to be unsalted).They also need to be wormed 2 time s per year.Feb and August is when I do mine.Just before laying season and just after laying season.After your first worming,you need to reworm them 10 days later to kill the cycle.I use ivemec to worm.
In N.H.,Tony.
With 4 hens your gonna get lots of eggs.I had 2 pairs years ago and I got 106 eggs from the 2 hens.Yes,I keep track of everything.You will have more then enough eggs to hatch in a bator,to see if your hens will set on their own and to eat.Pheasants love hard boiled eggs,but you need to crush them up so they can't see that it is eggs they are eating.If you don't crush them and they see it is eggs,they may just start eating them as soon as they lay them.Now you have melanistics,what's next?
In N.H.,Tony.
ok great!! haha i would not want them to start eating their eggs that would be a nightmare hahaha!!!!! Well i have been wanting to do red goldens, possibly some lady amhersts, chinese ringneck ,himalayen, mikado, and silver pheasants but my main goal is to find some palawan peacock pheasants!!
I really want to have a wide variety of pheasants:) I have wanted to start them for a while and have always been one for the odd balls instead of the norm:)
30% is a little hi for pheasants.I believe the gamebird and turkey grower/finisher is 24%.This is what I feed mine.I do feed the chiocks the gamebird crumble which is 30%.I also give them vitamin and electrolyes once a week in their water supply.This is available at your feed store.In the breeding season I feed 50/50 gamebird and layer pellet.In the winter 50/50 gamebird and cracked corn with a little wheat and black sunflower mixed in.In breeding season they get lots of veggies and fruits,wild bird seed,peanuts(have to be unsalted).They also need to be wormed 2 time s per year.Feb and August is when I do mine.Just before laying season and just after laying season.After your first worming,you need to reworm them 10 days later to kill the cycle.I use ivemec to worm.
In N.H.,Tony.
alot of great info thank you!!! I do believe i may do things very close to you as it seems you know what you are doing and i am just starting:) advice never hurts no matter how long you've been doing things:D(thats what we say in the horse world)
Palawans are not like the other pheasants.They need heat in the winter months and require a lot of fruits and veggies.seeds along with live insects,like mealworms,crickets,plus pellet feed.They are beautiful birds though.I have grey peacock pheasant,which require heat,but I poly their entire pen so no drafts get to them and they do great with no heat provided.Palwans are going for 800.00-1000.00. a pair now, if you can find an unrelated pair.There are a few breeders in Ca that raise them.
In N.H.,Tony.
Palawans are not like the other pheasants.They need heat in the winter months and require a lot of fruits and veggies.seeds along with live insects,like mealworms,crickets,plus pellet feed.They are beautiful birds though.I have grey peacock pheasant,which require heat,but I poly their entire pen so no drafts get to them and they do great with no heat provided.Palwans are going for 800.00-1000.00. a pair now, if you can find an unrelated pair.There are a few breeders in Ca that raise them.
In N.H.,Tony.
wow didnt realise they were so different lol. Maybe i might wait on those until i had more experience :) but i would like them, like i would love some vultarine guinea fowl!!!

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