Membrane covered chick pipped 14 hours ago with no progress


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2022
I incubated 11 quail eggs and so far eight hatched. Out of the three remaining eggs only one pipped. That egg first pipped at the same time as chick number eight. After number eight hatched, the egg seemed to be making good progress, except it would crack the shell, just not the membrane. After about an hour it managed to make a very very small hole. Its been 14 hours since that, and no progress. I havent seen the chick move inside or anything. I also dont clearly see its beak, just fluffiness. I have only openned the incubator once which was an hour ago to take out number 8

I do flash a flashlight sometimes at it to kinda see where its at,(its in a dark room) im not sure if that is affecting the process

Today is day 18 humidity is 66% temp 99.5-100

Heres a not so great picture of it.

(Writing sais membrane covering most of egg)

Oh yeah and I cant hear anything, but thats normal, i dont know whats wrong with my incubator but even when theres four noisy chicks in there I still dont hear anything at all.

Help, what should I do, should I asist it? It would be my first time assisting a chick so im quite terrified.


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Leave it alone. It's not uncommon for up to 24 hours to pass between pip and zip. If it's still having problems after that, it's up to you whether or not to assist, but be aware that if it's having problems hatching, there's likely something wrong with the chick and it may very well die anyway, or worse, need to be culled.
The case is situational based on species. In your case, it looks like you have coturnix and so it should have hatched out along with the others; the chick is probably stuck inside. I say situational because if you were hatching mountain quail, I would say to leave it be since they are known to pip and do come out until 3 days later.
Leave it alone. It's not uncommon for up to 24 hours to pass between pip and zip. If it's still having problems after that, it's up to you whether or not to assist, but be aware that if it's having problems hatching, there's likely something wrong with the chick and it may very well die anyway, or worse, need to be culled.
Yeah, I dont think i'm gonna assist it. Is there still hope that it will hatch even though it hasnt made progress in 19 hours?
There's a chance. As I mentioned before, it can take up to 24 hours from pip to zip. I wish the little one luck!
Its been 23 hours... So far no movements or progress whatsoever. I'm losing hope. I think i'm going to open the lid to float test the other unpipped eggs.
Its been 23 hours... So far no movements or progress whatsoever. I'm losing hope. I think i'm going to open the lid to float test the other unpipped eggs.
I know how you feel. I had an egg try to hatch with the others and finally pipped way below the air sac. I had a hunch it was breached and since it was a day late I decided to help. Which I am glad I did.. she was weak at first and wasn't as active but now it has been a month and all is well!

Yet, I had to assist in a very similar situation this morning.. the chick passed.
I know how you feel. I had an egg try to hatch with the others and finally pipped way below the air sac. I had a hunch it was breached and since it was a day late I decided to help. Which I am glad I did.. she was weak at first and wasn't as active but now it has been a month and all is well!

Yet, I had to assist in a very similar situation this morning.. the chick passed.
Sorry for your loss, it must have been devastating :(

My incubator is starting to smell horrible, i'm not sure if its because the chick is dead or because one of the other unpipped eggs is rotten.

I have a feeling the chick already passed away though. I am going to take it out and peel the membrane away a bit to see if its alive in a minute. If I see any sort of movement, imma shove it back in the incubator and boost the humidity.

Il update as soon as I finish
Sorry for your loss, it must have been devastating :(
My incubator is starting to smell horrible, i'm not sure if its because the chick is dead or because one of the other unpipped eggs is rotten.

I have a feeling the chick already passed away though. I am going to take it out and peel the membrane away a bit to see if its alive in a minute. If I see any sort of movement, imma shove it back in the incubator and boost the humidity.

Il update as soon as I finish

So I finished...

As soon as i moistened the membrane i knew the chick was long gone. It was stiff and dry.

As for the other two eggs, one was still viable so i'm grateful for that.
I'm sorry the chick didn't make it, but you did the right thing. One thing, though. Never, never do a float test on an egg that you think might have a live chick in it. That's a great way to kill the chick. Candling is a much better way to see if the chick inside is still alive.

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