Membrane of an egg that didn't form?


8 Years
May 5, 2016
Hello all,
I have been visiting the site for months and gleening all kinds of wonderful information. Thank you! I saw something in my coop today that was a little unsettling and prompted me to join. I have 6 girls, just turned a year old. I have two Buffs and have noticed that one has not layed the last few days. Seemed OK otherwise. Today when I went into the coop to spot clean, I found what looked very much like a small popped balloon with a large wet area around it. Upon closer inspection, I think it was the membrane of an egg that didn't form and when she expelled it, it popped.

What does this mean? Any and all chicken wisdom much appreciated!
Hello all,
I have been visiting the site for months and gleening all kinds of wonderful information. Thank you! I saw something in my coop today that was a little unsettling and prompted me to join. I have 6 girls, just turned a year old. I have two Buffs and have noticed that one has not layed the last few days. Seemed OK otherwise. Today when I went into the coop to spot clean, I found what looked very much like a small popped balloon with a large wet area around it. Upon closer inspection, I think it was the membrane of an egg that didn't form and when she expelled it, it popped.

What does this mean? Any and all chicken wisdom much appreciated!

Sounds like a soft egg, make sure they are getting plenty of calcium. Layer feed is a good source as is oyster shell and feeding eggshells back to them. I think it happens to everyone now and then, I've seen my share.
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
You are most welcome

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