Memorial Day


Hope Springs Eternal
BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jul 16, 2015
Today is Memorial Day. A day to remember those who fought to defend our freedoms and those around the world. Sometimes I think the holiday and it's original purpose gets lost in all the grilling and camping.

I want to thank all that have made the sacrifice, many with their lives to make our world a freer and safer place. Many younger people don't remember wars and strife in our country. My grandfather escaped Nazi Poland and came to America to be safe and free. People died so that he could do that. My grandparents grew up in a time when even the next meal wasn't guaranteed. Today many people can have everything. The basic struggle to stay alive is no longer a concern for most people.

So today on Memorial Day be sure you remember the real reason for the holiday, and be thankful that those brave people died defending our basic liberties, and that they continue to do so throughout the world so you don't need to worry about it. Remember our fallen soldiers, those that made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, so we can go out grilling and camping, and not worry.
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I wanted to publicly thank any and all service members on here for their service to our country. I also wanted to honor those lost in defending our country and the freedoms we enjoy.

I keep hearing people say "Happy Memorial Day". I don't believe it's supposed to be a happy day. It's a day of reflection, and a day of remembering all those lost.

So again, thank you to all the service members, their families, and thank you to the fallen soldiers. I am blessed to live in this wonderful country made wonderful by all your sacrifices.
I am a few days early posting this, but I just wanted to post again to thank all that have served our country, and to remember those lost. Thank you for all your sacrifices.

We Remember Memorial Day GIF by INTO ACTION

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