Menacing Crows

When we first moved into our home crows were knocking the lid off the garbage can and getting into the trash. I padded the jaws of an old leghold trap and set it on top of the garbage . At daybreak the next morning pluperfect hell broke loose. I had caught a crow. The flock was flying in circles overhead alarm calling. I went outside - they left - had a long talk with the captured crow and then released it. The crows have never touched the garbage since - 46+ years.

Crows will generally harass hawks to some extent. They become extremely helpful at 'hawk attack' prevention if you have a nesting pair and their extended family in the immediate area. The breeding season is when they will even attack Coopers and smaller hwks which are viewed as a threat to the young crows.
I have seen crows chase away hawks. Blue jays always raise a ruckus when a hawk is around. I have never had a crow attack a chicken, whereas I have had hawks attack my birds. Crows stay, hawks go!!!
Last year there were tons of crows out here.. None bothered the eggs.. Theyd get in there and eat the food, but never bothered eggs before.. and we even had chickens and ducks lay out in the pen..

There are 3 particular crows that either returned or are new here.... They dont go into the hen house, but do go into one of the dog houses I have out there for the ducks..

And.. probably because of the crows, we havent had any problems with hawks or eagles..

How do you trap a crow?

My plan soon is to run string over the top of the pen to try and deter them.. Just need to add some extensions to the posts so that I can still walk in there without close lining myself every time I go in there..

Thanks for the suggestions...
if you get rid of crows you will se a serious increase in hawks, many bird species like egrets depend on crow protection to defend their nests so just remmeber when the crows leave you have to accept your birds getting eaten by hawks and eagles.
I'll take intelligent, beautiful corvids over chicken-eating hawks any day. If nothing else, they are a good first warning system, and you bet your behind, your chickens are going to pay attention if crows give warning of a hawk in the area. As someone said, make eggs hard to get to. I'd even let them have an egg or two once in a while if it meant that my chickens were safer from hawks.
I don't want the crows hanging at my yard all day,because they would drive me insane. I don't mind if either bird takes a bit of dried corn though once in a while.So far they are far better to have around than the squirrels as far as negatives go.If I get a major nosie maker crow a few bangs on a pot gets them flying.

It is neat to see how crows and blue jays will come in from all over when they hear the calls of a fellow bird saying a hawk needs to be dealt with.

Now if the hawk ate the rabbits,squirrels,and house sparrows THEN I would be happy.
The "Pro-Crow" lobby is a powerful one here on BYC. Trying to build up a false sense of confidence so we will continue to outsource our flock protection to foreign crows.
The "Pro-Crow" lobby is a powerful one here on BYC. Trying to build up a false sense of confidence so we will continue to outsource our flock protection to foreign crows.

I am in the 1%! My hawks regularly get squirrels. I will keep my flock protected myself.
The crows around here must be Union, and they reached their quota.
what flies in the sky doesn't bother only 2 things can get into my chickens and that is humans and bears... nothing you can do will stop a hungry bear but if one gets in he wont be leaving.
Today I am out in the yard, letting the girls free range and help me in the garden, I hear a hawk, girls keep
scratching, I hear a couple of crows from the other side of the yard, girls keep scratching, this goes on for a few minutes until I finally find the culprits, a bunch of mockingbirds. Why can't we kill them again?

Oh well, my girls are back in their run, telling me all about what a horrible jailer I am, between bites of BOSS.

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