Meyer Hatchery or Reich?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 19, 2008
I have finally narrowed down to two hatcheries to get my White Leghorn pullets from. Either Meyer Hatchery or Reich's Poultry Farm. Has anyone ordered from these hatcheries before? Good quality? Good shipping? Anything?
Do a search on this site (box at upper right) for Meyer and Reich's. You should get some good info about what others' experiences have been with those hatcheries. I myself don't have experience with them, but the search box is my friend! Good luck! (And leghorns are a great choice for egg layers.)
Meyer hands em, great people excellent care with the birds and just fabulous. I ordered 21 birds from them in July last year they sent 22 live babies and they arrived to me in less than 36 hours from hatch.

I know nothing about the other but I will only order from Meyer as far as hatchery goes.
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