Mice are taking over my house! Help!

Pit bulls are terriers
I had trouble with mice when we first moved into our house. I tried traps, but didn't have much success. I finally resorted to the mouse pellets in very out of the way places. That finally did it.
I have cats that take care of the mice in the house, but I am worried about the greenhouse (where my chicken coop is). It is overrun with mice! I posted on another board and a gal told me that chickens are great mousers. Is this true? I would love if it is!
Yes, it is true. I have seen my hens catch, kill and eat more than one mouse.
Yes the chickens do eat mice! There was a post on here a while back about someone's cat getting into their coop and catching a mouse and the chickens were chasing him all over trying to get it from him! ROFL!

Personally, for me, I've found that Siamese or Siamese mixes make the best mousers. We've had all kinds of cats and those are the ones that really go after them. If you look on craigslist.org there are usually people advertising cats as mousers. It is a hereditary thing, so if you want a good mouser, check the parents out.

My Siamese I have now, was sitting in front of the cabinet watching my daughter reach in and get a snack. As soon as her hand was in the box, he jumped in and jumped right back out. She yelled at him, and then we saw he had a mouse! He couldn't have even seen it!!! He is awesome. I wish now I hadn't had him neutered. He will actually dig up the vole nests in the yard. We're waiting to see how he does when the chickens get bigger. :|

We used to use the sticky traps (I didn't want poison or snap traps around toddlers) and would catch a few, but nothing compared to getting the cat.

Good Luck!

We had two mice it turnes out - but by the poop they left you would have thought we had millions. SO GROSS!

We used the old fashioned trap with peanut butter. Got both buggers within 2 days.

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