Mice in the coop

Ahhhh, do a forum search and you will find literally hundreds of threads with great advice on mice and raising chickens. Especially look for Howard E.'s posts on rodent control. It boils down to sanitation, then exclusion, then elimination if the first two steps fail.

The three steps in order. Do the first one, no need for the other two.

Treadle feeder, bulk feed in steel drums, clean up pathways so rodents are exposed to natural predators during travel. Probably cost you less than $200 for a feeder, a metal trash can or barrel with lid, and a few hours cleaning up the area.

Building a Fort Knox coop. No free range of course and very expensive.

Poison and trapping, a never ending expense that loses effectiveness quickly.
Rodents will eat during the day. Check your feed consumption, a quarter pound of feed per bird, ignore roosters unless you have many. That will tell you if you are losing feed to vermin.

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