

8 Years
May 23, 2011
The last couple of nights when I've been out to lock up my chickens, I've noticed little black thing scurrying to get away from me. Hard to really see what they are in the dark and they don't stand still long enough for me to get the flash light on them but I suspect they are mice. I'm in a rural area with 3 1/2 acres, partly wooded so I'm guessing that getting mice here and there is normal. The thing that's worrying me though, is that I'm seeing holes in the ground of my runs. Do I have a problem here or is it just the norm?? Many thanks
They are tryin to get what food is around.

Cats are a solution....
My cats have been a hangin around my coop of late, but is has been cold
& have a lot of snow on the ground...

Chickens will also eat mice, voles, & moles,whatever,
but usually it is the smaller young uns.

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