Michigan Hatchers! What'cha got cookin?

This is pretty crazy, I have a bullied chicken "poor baby" we have been calling her that ever since she had been booted from the rest of the flock...
She has never been broody before, but check out what I found the other night.

My Moody Broody hired a nanny! Yesterday Moody was pecking Poor Baby, so I gave poor baby her own chicks (1/2 of Moody's) and she sat on them in her own box all night long! I've never seen this foster parenting behavior in chickens before. This all occurred naturally, I did not try to make her brood... But it's awesome!
I have an odd situation. I have my 2 hens raising 18 chicks. My broody is not laying eggs, and my "poor baby" hen lays a very distinct colored egg while broody (when she is laying) lays a rather dark egg.
My poor baby chicken fairy often now lays a rubber shelled egg. I've looked it up, and its none of the reasons listed for why she does this. It's always the second egg laid in 24 hours, after a normal hard shelled egg. It can't be lack of calcium if her diet is good, and she lays a normal egg too. She is about 18 months old, so definitely not a pullet egg, she is not sick...
Any ideas?
HI everyone Please help
, Looking for MICHIGAN people, Will travel for eggs or chicks.

CHICKEN WITHDRAWAL here.. need some eggs to hatch.. or chicks.. I had to rehome my flock (23 girls and a few roos) to make the move and Im ready for some fluffy butts again.

I know Im surrounded by Chicken peeps in my area, but not having luck with facebook or craigslist finding anything but RIR...

Please let me know what you have in chicks or eggs... I am almost in town (Im in town , but not the city limits so I wont beable to keep roos)

Top choice breeds are Lav Orp, Speckled sussex, Maran, Rhode Island Red, EE's but will consider barnyard mixes of the right mixes.. LOL ( I don't even know how to pick , I want a variety and am starting off with only 6 pullets. UGGGH)

Praying my neighbor (only 1 Im wondering about) will LOVE my little fluffy butts.
[COLOR=333333]HI everyone Please help :bow , Looking for MICHIGAN people,  Will travel for eggs or chicks.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]CHICKEN WITHDRAWAL here..    need some eggs to hatch.. or chicks..   I had to rehome my flock (23 girls and a few roos) to make the move and Im ready for some fluffy butts again.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]I know Im surrounded by Chicken peeps in my area, but not having luck with facebook or craigslist finding anything but RIR... [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Please let me know what you have in chicks or eggs...  I am almost in town (Im in town , but not the city limits so I wont beable to keep roos)  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Top choice breeds are  Lav Orp, Speckled sussex, Maran,  Rhode Island Red,  EE's but will consider barnyard mixes of the right mixes.. LOL  ( I don't even know how to pick , I want a variety and am starting off with only 6 pullets.  UGGGH)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Praying my neighbor (only 1 Im wondering about) will LOVE my little fluffy butts.  [/COLOR]

I sell Cochin bantam eggs. $20 per doz+.

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