Michigan Hatchers! What'cha got cookin?

Womdering if anyone here has some blue eggs they would be w7lling to sell me thanks
I have some Ameraucana hens that lay blue eggs, but the dad to the babies would be a Cochin bantam or a Silkie. I have a Ameraucana roo but he is not in with them. I would imagine the eggs of the babies would be blue sort of color but since the dads are both bantams the eggs might be small.
Hi and Happy St Pattys day everyone, my eggs are hatching early, have one hatched, got some zipped and pipped.. wasnt planed to have a hatch on spd.. they are two days early.. should dye them green. lol j/k

Any one else hatching today..
I threw 7 eggs in the 'bator on the 11th, planning on a April 1st hatch. Looking like only 2 are fertile....
My little 9.5 mo old blue silkie pullet stayed broody for over two weeks, so I gave her 3 BBS Marans eggs. I didn't realize until I counted on the calendar that, if they hatch, it will be Easter Day on day 21. :fl

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