Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I'm getting the yard and coop ready for the Monday inspection. It seems like everything I do, I find another thing that needs to be done. It's not like there is anything that is extraordinary, it is just that now I am more aware of what it is that I do every day.
Good luck with the inspection.
Caught the baby skunk this am.. and relocated it.. hopefully i dont see anymore. i will be setting these traps for awhile to make sure i catch all the predators in the area.
I'm getting the yard and coop ready for the Monday inspection. It seems like everything I do, I find another thing that needs to be done. It's not like there is anything that is extraordinary, it is just that now I am more aware of what it is that I do every day.

Well hopefully they don't find 10 more violations to cite you on!!!
Want me to give them my best stink eye from afar???

It is amazing how much many of us do without realizing it. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for having what I have. It's a lot of work (and a real pain in the winter) but I do really enjoy it overall. It's still cheaper than therapy, lol.
Too funny! I am searching high and low for bee balm for my garden and you're tearing it out. I think this year my gardens have a chance. Last year I gave up by mid July realizing it was futile to keep throwing money at them. This year both my husband and I are amazed at how green our property is. It is our 2nd summer at this place and it didnt look this green when we were showed it two years ago. Now, if we can do something about the skeeters i'll be a happy happy woman.
I was going to bring some bee balm to share/ trade at Chickensock.
Work in the winter, no kidding! But at least the work gets us outside. I actually spent a lot of time outdoors this past winter & that was good. Personally myself I'm struggling with too many jobs on the urgent list & not enough time. Just doing the 15 mins per Zone mayhem cleaning with my kids today! Eventually it all gets done. Last night I found a good article on Time Management, maybe you'll enjoy it too. http://m.entrepreneur.com/article/219553
Well hopefully they don't find 10 more violations to cite you on!!!
Want me to give them my best stink eye from afar???

It is amazing how much many of us do without realizing it. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for having what I have. It's a lot of work (and a real pain in the winter) but I do really enjoy it overall. It's still cheaper than therapy, lol.
I should have been more specific. Monday is the MAEAP inspection for verification. That is the state agency that verifies farm operations as being environmentally sound as well as meeting GAAMPs and other state and federal criteria.

As an example, all of the wineries in Mission Point, near Traverse City are MAEAP certified.

I am promoting this programme as it makes good environmental sense. For us, our animals and our dear Mother Earth.
Work in the winter, no kidding! But at least the work gets us outside. I actually spent a lot of time outdoors this past winter & that was good. Personally myself I'm struggling with too many jobs on the urgent list & not enough time. Just doing the 15 mins per Zone mayhem cleaning with my kids today! Eventually it all gets done. Last night I found a good article on Time Management, maybe you'll enjoy it too. http://m.entrepreneur.com/article/219553
Great article. I'm a list making fool.
Whew! I got the big coop cleaned!! Removed all shavings and nesting materials. Used the leaf blower and blew out all the dust and then power washed the whole thing. Not easy to do when the hens keep wanting to go in the nest box! I used the leaf blower to dry out the nest boxes quicker. Dirty, dirty job. But, it's done. Now I have to do the bantam coop soon. Long day.
Now to hop in the shower.
I could not imagine having to do the coop clean out again. DH wore me out yesterday just getting some landscape block put in around the flower bed. The landscape timbers that were there had started to rot. They have only been there about 15 years. Today I rested and got some laundry taken care of. Not a very productive day.
Does anyone want 3 free hens? The only condition is that they need to go to a free-rangeing home. We switched our hens to run-only and my hens are just not adjusting to it at all. It's been almost 2 months now and they still pace all-day, every day and try to escape anytime I open the door. It's a big enough run - the new pullets are fine, it's just my girls that are used to being out all the time that aren't doing well. I just feel so sad for them. :( The BSL and the EEer both just turned 2, the PR turned 1 in March - all are laying great. The EEer and BSL are very people friendly too, and like to snuggle. They are my favorites, actually. Which is why I'm trying to rehome them - I just feel SO badly that they are so unhappy now...
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