Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thanks! I hope your boy feels better soon too! What is yours doing?
Mine has a fever, cough, and says his tummy is upset, but other than that he was running around the house as normal!

I am just glad he is not a miserable lump!
He looks JUST like him!!! I love the beard and mutton chops!

He had a fever last night, and has had a runny nose for 2 days...seems the fever was an isolated incident cause he's been his normal self today. Threatened to take him to school several times today

That does look like the same guy!!
Our second egg today! Soon, we'll be at about $100/egg for our return on investment.

Nova - I'm sorry you found Roger like that but at the same time, now you know for sure. I always worked myself up with the not knowing.

Girl with no streamers.

Boy from the front

We had 2 hawks by the house today, one sitting in a tree near the dr. looked rather young. later another big cooper's hawk sirckled over head while I was giving out some treats. I did the same waved my arms so he would see there was a bird WAY to big to mess with..... some times my rooster makes such a low growl when a hawk flys over it is almost missed by me but the hens know to hide.. they seem to be very alert lately, hang out in bushes and in the run more then usual
LOVE the bus stop,,,,
so sorry you had to find Roger like that..... your other young one does look just like him....!!!
Strep is going around, My daughter got it at work, I was at the beauty shop, getting a hair cut and at leas 3 different women said their kids had strep.

BFM so glad your scalped hen is recovering
Hello Everyone,
Haven't been on in a while. Just have been too busy and needed a break....this chicken stuff is time consuming!! I've logged in a few times just to see how many post I'm behind!!

Well I need your advice please: I have a hen the appears to have an eye injury. Don't know what happened, appears to be a peck. It is swollen shut and looks like there was a very minimal amount of blood. Don't know when it happened.....I'm assuming recent ( last night or today ) because the little bit of blood I do see seems somewhat fresh.

So....I gently flush it with saline solution, apply a cold compress if she tolerates one, and then lightly apply some antibiotic ointment to it. Does that cover it or is there something else I should do? She is separated from the flock in a dog crate right now. I'm gonna put the crate back in the coop for the night....I read to do that someplace so the pecking order isn't disrupted???? If you can offer any further advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
M.Sue -
Nice to see you! I have had good luck using Lipton tea bags for mild eye infections.
I know your hen has an injury so maybe this is not the right treatment but I take a Lipton tea bag and place it in warm water for a few minutes. Then I place the tea bag on the irritated eyelid and try to squeeze a bit of the tea into the corners of the affected eye.
The tanic acid in the tea has helped many swollen eyes heal quickly!

A pharmacist might have another suggestion for an eye wash. Good luck!
M.Sue -
Nice to see you! I have had good luck using Lipton tea bags for mild eye infections.
I know your hen has an injury so maybe this is not the right treatment but I take a Lipton tea bag and place it in warm water for a few minutes. Then I place the tea bag on the irritated eyelid and try to squeeze a bit of the tea into the corners of the affected eye.
The tanic acid in the tea has helped many swollen eyes heal quickly!

A pharmacist might have another suggestion for an eye wash. Good luck!
Hi Chicken Grandma And Thanks for replying....I did read about using tea bags! I just checked on her again. She seems fine but that eye is swollen shut. Of course I noticed this just when we were ready to eat supper!! So now that I've got the kitchen partially cleaned up I'm gonna go play nurse.
OH boy, I need help please.

We had a fox in our yard today around 6pm, just trotting around the yard, I had the coop open.

No girls were harmed but now I am afraid he was just scouting it out for later.

What do I do? I know there are a whole family of foxes at our neighbors, not right next door, but maybe 350ft away from us.

I am hoping he was here trying to get some squirrel dinner because we have a LOT of them eating all of our black walnuts.

I don't own a shotgun, and there would be a whole family to take care of.

I feel like the girls are pretty safe in the coop, it has a nice cement floor, but that scares me.

And just today I got my very first 3 egg day, well one was a super thin shell and broken, but still, 3 eggs were laid :)
Sorry all, both pictures were Mr. Fluffers... One of the cockerels that I got from Randy at CS is starting to look like him. I was just showing Fancy Favie what Mr. F looked like, and why I am not giving up the cockerel that looks like him... LOL. He's learning to be a snuggle roo. LOL. The other one is just as nice looking, only more white in the beard than I want. And looks like he is going to have darker hackles... Wouldn't be a problem, but the one I want to keep looks so much like Mr. F...
Green... I'd have your DH start peeing all over the place... LOL. I read somewhere that the DH did that and it was discouraging. LOL, I have no Idea if it is really true... BUT at least it'll give him an excuse to be a guy. HAHAHA

I am thinking, supervised outings till you get fencing around the main part of the yard where they chickens are?
Green... I'd have your DH start peeing all over the place... LOL. I read somewhere that the DH did that and it was discouraging. LOL, I have no Idea if it is really true... BUT at least it'll give him an excuse to be a guy. HAHAHA

I am thinking, supervised outings till you get fencing around the main part of the yard where they chickens are?
Ha ha, well I also have 3 boys LOL couldn't hurt to try.

Anyone else?

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