Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Farmerboy- the goat is absolutely beautiful and how lucky to have a snuggle buddy right off the bat.

Thanks for all the advice as of late. I'm gonna use a rubbermaid tub also I think as my brooder. I like Raz's idea also with the lid, I have cats that don't bother the chickens outside, but never had chicks inside so not sure what they would do.

The fellow at TSC said u can't use the rubbermaid bins, their real bad, I knew I wasn't buying the big metal bin. It was the same fellow I over heard telling a couple that the pullet chicks would start laying eggs in about 4 weeks.
Ya right, we waited around and told the couple it was more like 18-24weeks. I was to afraid they might think something was wrong when they weren't getting eggs in 4 weeks. Looking forward to a warm and sunny day, everyone enjoy.
Amy PT and Farmerboy - awww!

For those of you with chicks in totes, you will be very surprised at how fast they will outgrow them - and what a mess they will make. At 6 weeks they will be half grown, and if acclimated properly, they will be big enough to go outside without supplemental heat.
For those of you with chicks in totes, you will be very surprised at how fast they will outgrow them - and what a mess they will make. At 6 weeks they will be half grown, and if acclimated properly, they will be big enough to go outside without supplemental heat.
True...and hard to heat one end and leave the other end cool.

Think about a refrigerator box...or two.
Farmerboy- the goat is absolutely beautiful and how lucky to have a snuggle buddy right off the bat.

Thanks for all the advice as of late. I'm gonna use a rubbermaid tub also I think as my brooder. I like Raz's idea also with the lid, I have cats that don't bother the chickens outside, but never had chicks inside so not sure what they would do.

The fellow at TSC said u can't use the rubbermaid bins, their real bad, I knew I wasn't buying the big metal bin. It was the same fellow I over heard telling a couple that the pullet chicks would start laying eggs in about 4 weeks.
Ya right, we waited around and told the couple it was more like 18-24weeks. I was to afraid they might think something was wrong when they weren't getting eggs in 4 weeks. Looking forward to a warm and sunny day, everyone enjoy.
We used Rubbermaid type plastic bins for all our first chicks. They worked great! Just have to be careful about the heat lamp not being close to the plastic is all (we suspended ours from my grandmothers steel walker
). We lined bottom with nice layer of shavings.

Later, we purchased two wire kennels and clipped a big tarp underneath and up the sides when they got too big for the rubber maid.

Those same birds so far survived this frigid winter, so I am thinking the Rubbermaid containers did not harm them at all! geesh! Oh and the Red Sex Link girls started laying at 16 weeks, which is real early for most large breed chickens. Our latest layer is our Black Ameraucana who JUST started laying at 10 months ...the rest averaged 20-22 weeks
Welcome to all the new people, and where are all of my old friends? Lurking...check in you know who(s).

Farmerboy, Oliver is one lucky buckling. I hope his ears heal up! I'll be looking for a nigerian buckling this spring (with blue eyes).

Anyone considering buying a farm better be careful. Do yourself a favor and do an extensive check of local laws/ordinances/zoning, and possible changes in zoning. If you have money to burn, and you can live away from populated cities (where ordinances can be problematic), you may be able to find a house, and land, pretty inexpensive. Building a new barn, coop, shed, etc. may actually cost less overall than an established, albeit, run-down farm. Even new equipment may be a better move unless your handy with mechanic-type chores. Or, be a romantic, and buy the old homestead, and go from there...

Another beautiful day to enjoy!
Just wanted to say Hi. I am new to this forum. We have 6 chickens, 2 Silkies, 3 Isa Browns and I Silver Laced Wyandotte. I love my chickens, except the Silkie rooster he likes to try and flog me ever chance he gets. I live near Grand Rapids, Michigan.:)

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