Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Pretty sure you arent suppose to put animals in the trash and tbh, I dont know how I feel about burying a chicken since I'm not particularly attached to them.
It may depend on your local trash collection but it usually is okay. Even MAEAP finds that method acceptable in their verification process.
Sorry for your recent losses.
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Tori, sorry to hear about your bird. As Raz says, it is OK to dispose of her in the trash if you like, as long as she is bagged properly.

Getreal, welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread - I had to look Gaastra up on the map. You are not that far from Stacykins in Escanaba.

If there is one thing that is essential to take with you when you go to a hospital, or to any important doctor appointment, is is someone to act as your advocate, and who can support you, help you listen and understand, and at least make sure that staff wash their hands when they enter your room. Your friend is fortunate to have you Opa. Having spent a lot of time in hospitals this last year, it is clear that even with excellent staff there things that will be missed.
hi. boy you said a mouthful there...been a farmer's daughter and now a farmer's wife. It's a hard and tiring life but oh so worth it. We have 13 head of beef cattle, 6 pigs, and now 12 chickens and 2 ducks. There is so much to learn about these feathery babies.
I always had a big garden and canned most everything but now due to serious health problems the garden had to go. I sure do miss it. I am in the upper peninsula of MI. Glad I found this nice group of Michiganders.

Sounds like quite the awesome farm you have! Hope you enjoy adding chickens and ducks!

Getreal, welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread - I had to look Gaastra up on the map. You are not that far from Stacykins in Escanaba.

Looks to be about two hours away! Close by UP standards, haha!
Thanks Opa. It's not nearly as hard as losing Dash was, that's for sure. I was just surprised. I knew she was sick and had her separated but I didn't expect her to go this fast. I'm just not sure what to do with her now. Pretty sure you aren't suppose to put animals in the trash and tbh, I dint know how I feel about burying a chicken since I'm not particularly attached to them.

unfortunately, chickens don't often display any signs of illness or how sick they really are until they're knocking on deaths door... I guess thats a safety mechanism to keep them from being such a target in the wild. Sorry you lost your bird. If you are not opposed to this sort of thing, you could do a light necropsy yourself to see if there is any visible issues. Crop, liver lungs heart and intestines are good places to find out were the issue was. It may help you to help your other birds.
Tori sorry about your loss. If you live near woods you can leave the corpse there to at least provide a free meal to another animal. I do this with any extra eggs and leftovers the chickens don't eat as well as losses in the winter, especially this winter. I have a spot by an old apple tree out in the middle of a field near the woods that I leave food. So far at least it hasn't drawn predators to me.
Aw Tori, I'm sorry. It's hard to have a loss on top of a greater loss.

Hey, Raz, is the agave blooming at the gardens a big deal for you? I know it's been covered in the media. Sounds pretty cool.
Hey, Raz, is the agave blooming at the gardens a big deal for you? I know it's been covered in the media. Sounds pretty cool.
Yeah, it is pretty cool, it is a great plant. If you can get there to see it, it is worth the trip.
There was different agave that bloomed last fall but it didn't get the same attention. The horticulture director is going to give me a couple of pups (seedlings) from it.
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Yeah, it is pretty cool, it is a great plant. If you can get there to see it, it is worth the trip.
There was different agave that bloomed last fall but it didn't get the same attention. The horticulture director is going to give me a couple of pups (seedlings) from it.

Did the other ones get as tall? Once it blooms, how long will it last? I don't think I'll make it. If you think of it, and have the ability, would you post a photo?

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