Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Oh, that should work out better for me as I believe Amy has a wedding that she needs to drag me off too on the 18th over in the Thumb somewhere. And no, its not ours just yet.
Ok, sure...
Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Surgery, even when necessary, is always a big concern.
I for one can definitely attest to the risks of surgery. My minor 15 minute elbow surgery resulted in MRSA, two eight weeks rounds of antibiotics through a PICC line followed by 12 weeks of oral antibiotics. Then the development of osteomyelitis requiring a third surgery, Lastly having the infection cause atrial fibrillation that lead to a stroke. Well over $100,000.00 and I still have an elbow that hurts and one half my body that feels dead. .
I for one can definitely attest to the risks of surgery. My minor 15 minute elbow surgery resulted in MRSA, two eight weeks rounds of antibiotics through a PICC line followed by 12 weeks of oral antibiotics. Then the development of osteomyelitis requiring a third surgery, Lastly having the infection cause atrial fibrillation that lead to a stroke. Well over $100,000.00 and I still have an elbow that hurts and one half my body that feels dead. .
Eh, could be worse. You could be living in New York City.
At least my girls are starting to get productive again. had 4 eggs yesterday and then 5 today. It could have been six today but somebody had a rubber egg that was sitting on top of the feeder that I didn't get to in time when I did a late night chicken check when I got home from work. one of my white ones hopped down off the roost and bit into it.
Eh, could be worse. You could be living in New York City.

CX do fine in the fall, in fact, chicks won't require much more than a regular light bulb for supplemental heat, if any. But, that's keeping them in a barn, or other structure out of the sun. That said, I usually do some spring birds when FF&H, or TSC start selling around Easter. You need to keep the brooder very warm until they feather when you have cool springtime temps. I go 8-10 weeks and have nice size birds. In the fall I do more, around August and have no worse, or better luck with them. If you free range them expect tougher, leaner birds. But, don't skimp on square footage either - 50 birds require a ton of space and will make you a ton of waste! I have feeders that hold 100 pounds of feed and feed 24/7. I try and let young birds run around and catch bugs but when they get fat they stay in the barn until process day. I figure every cost I can : Chick, feed, pine chips, gas to and from the feed store, gas to and from the process point, and process cost (I use Amish). This does not account my labor time though since I don't sell them. I have sold them before and got whatever I asked because they are much better than store bought.

We roasted one last night and today I am boiling the carcass (right now) for soup. The house smells great!

Love chicken soup, wish my family would eat it

June 11th, 2016
Chickenstock at Delta Mills Park
7001 Old River Trail

in Lansing. 10am - 3pm
Pot Luck

y/Sale all sorts of critters
Someone beat me to the June 18th date!
THANK YOU!!, will mark the calendar right now

OPA, glad your friends surgery went well and that he has accepted, the rehab. tell him we are all praying for a quick recovery.

weather man just said it will be down to 16 next week, hope it is a short cold snap.

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